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Q1. You want to create the new user account tux with the password penguin (password hash: TvqBFhQWgeSho) and a default home directory. Which command can be used to create the account with the above parameters? 

A. useradd -m -p "penguin" tux 

B. echo penguin | useradd-m-p - tux 

C. useradd -m -p "TvqBFhQWgeSho" tux 

D. echo -e "penguin/penguin" | passwd tux; useradd -m tux 


Q2. Using the rsync command, you want to mirror the directories, including any hidden files and directories within /home (not the /home directory itself) to the /backup directory. 

Which command accomplishes this? 

A. rsync -a /home /backup 

B. rsync -a /home/ /backup 

C. rsync -a /homer /backup 

D. rsync -a /home/? /backup 


Q3. What action does the jobs command perform? 

A. Lists all scheduled cron jobs 

B. Lists all mail items in the mail queue 

C. Lists the content of the shell's job control 

D. Lists all print jobs in the print queue 


Q4. From command mode in vi, what do you have to do to entertext? 

A. Press e 

B. Press i 

C. Press k 

D. Press w 


Q5. Using hwinfo, how can you probe just for BIOS information? 

A. hwinfo - -bios 

B. hwinfo - -dump bios 

C. hwinfo.bios 

D. hwinfo - -select bios 


Q6. You have a test directory with the following permissions: rwx...... 

You want to change the permissions to the following values: r-xr-xr-x. 

Which command accomplishes this? 

A. chmod 777 test 

B. chmod a=rx test 

C. chmod u=rx,a-rx test 

D. chmod u+w,g+rx,o+rx test 


Q7. Where are systemd unit files stored? (Choose two.) 

A. /usr/li b/systemd/system/ 

B. /etc/systemd/system/ 

C. /lib/systemd/ 

D. /usr/systemd/unit 

E. /usr/systemd/servieel 

F. /usr/systemd/target/ 

G. /etc/systemd/units/ 

H. /etc/init.d/units/ 

Answer: A,B 

Q8. Which command will update an rpm package? (Choose two.) 

A. rpm-F package_name.rpm 

B. rpm-i package_name.rpm 

C. rpm -U package_name.rpm 

D. rpm-v package_name.rpm 

E. update package_name.rpm 

Answer: A,C