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Q9. Where are the SuSEfirewall2 service definition files located? 

A. /etc/sysconfig/SuSEfirewall2.d/ 

B. /etc/SuSEfirewall2/service/ 

C. /etc/SuSEfirewall2/config/ 

D. /etc/SuSEfirewall2/service/def/ 


Q10. What does the Activity Overview in GNOME show? (Choose three.) 

A. Your calendar entries for today 

B. The new emails in your inbox 

C. The CPU usage 

D. The memory usage 

E. The usage of your network cards 

F. Your favorite appli cati ons 

G. Your virtual workspaces 

H. A search tool 

I. The new entries in the system's log files 

J. Currently logged in users 

Answer: F,G,H 

Q11. You want to redirect both output and error messages of the find command to the find-output file. Which command accomplishes this task? 

A. find /etc -name!'*conf" 2>&find-output 

B. find /etc-name "*conf 2<&1 > find-output 

C. find /etc -name "*conf > find-output 2> 

D. find /etc -name "*conf" > find-output 2> find-output 


Q12. Which command is suitable for displaying the CPU load as a percentage? 

A. w 

B. top 

C. nice 

D. uptime 


Q13. In the bash shell, which command can be used to create a MY_NAME variable containing the value Joe? 


B. MY_NAME = Joe 

C. echo Joe > MY_NAME 

D. export MY_NAME = Joe 


Q14. Where is the software package documentation located? 

A. /usr/share/doc/packages/ 

B. /doc/packages/ 

C. /usr/packages/doc/ 

D. /usr/documentation/ 

E. /usr/package_doc/ 


Q15. Which statement about symmetric encryption is correct? 

A. The same key is used for encryption and decryption 

B. Symmetric keys are generally longer than asymmetric keys. 

C. Asymmetric encryption is generally faster than symmetric encryption. 

D. A public key and a private key are needed for symmetric encryption/decryption. 


Q16. You have a file named filel and you want to create a symbolic link named link-to-file1 to the file. In a terminal window, which command accomplishes what you want? (Choose two.) 

A. In file link-to-file1 

B. inlink-to-file1 filel 

C. In-sfile1link-to-file1 

D. In-slink-to-file1 filel 

E. cp-s file1link-to-file1 

F. mv-sfile1link-to-file1 
