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Q51. - (Topic 1) 

Which of the following commands reboots the system when using SysV init? (Choose TWO correct answers.) 

A. shutdown -r now 

B. shutdown -r "rebooting" 

C. telinit 6 

D. telinit 0 

E. shutdown -k now "rebooting" 

Answer: A,C 

Q52. - (Topic 3) 

When running the command 

sed -e "s/a/b/" /tmp/file >/tmp/file 

While /tmp/file contains data, why is /tmp/file empty afterwards? 

A. The file order is incorrect. The destination file must be mentioned before the command to ensure redirection. 

B. The command sed did not match anything in that file therefore the output is empty. 

C. When the shell establishes the redirection it overwrites the target file before the redirected command starts and opens it for reading. 

D. Redirection for shell commands do not work using the > character. It only works using the | character instead. 


Q53. - (Topic 2) 

After modifying GNU GRUB's configuration file, which command must be run for the changes to take effect? 

A. kill -HUP $(pidof grub) 

B. grub-install 

C. grub 

D. No action is required 


Q54. - (Topic 3) 

Which grep command will print only the lines that do not end with a / in the file foo? 

A. grep '/$' foo 

B. grep '/#' foo 

C. grep -v '/$' foo 

D. grep -v '/#' foo 


Q55. - (Topic 3) 

What is the maximum niceness value that a regular user can assign to a process with the nice command when executing a new process? 

A. 9 

B. 19 

C. 49 

D. 99 


Q56. - (Topic 2) 

Which of the following commands updates the linker cache of shared libraries? 

A. mkcache 

B. soconfig 

C. mkldconfig 

D. lddconfig 

E. ldconfig 


Q57. - (Topic 3) 

What is the effect of the egrep command when the -v option is used? 

A. It enables color to highlight matching parts. 

B. It only outputs non-matching lines. 

C. It shows the command's version information. 

D. It changes the output order showing the last matching line first. 


Q58. - (Topic 4) 

Which of the following file permissions belong to a symbolic link? 

A. -rwxrwxrwx 

B. +rwxrwxrwx 

C. lrwxrwxrwx 

D. srwxrwxrwx 


Q59. - (Topic 2) 

Which of the following commands is used to update the list of available packages when using dpkg based package management? 

A. apt-get update 

B. apt-get upgrade 

C. apt-cache update 

D. apt-get refresh 

E. apt-cache upgrade 


Q60. - (Topic 1) 

Which run levels should never be declared as the default run level when using SysV init? (Choose TWO correct answers.) 

A. 0 

B. 1 

C. 3 

D. 5 

E. 6 

Answer: A,E