Exam Code: 101-400 (Practice Exam Latest Test Questions VCE PDF)
Exam Name: LPI Level 1 Exam 101, Junior Level Linux Certification, Part 1 of 2
Certification Provider: LPI
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Q9. CORRECT TEXT - (Topic 3) 

Which signal is missing from the following command that is commonly used to instruct a daemon to reinitialize itself, including reading configuration files? 

killall -s _______ daemon 

Answer: HUP, SIGHUP, 1 

Q10. - (Topic 4) 

Which of the following Linux filesystems preallocates a fixed number of inodes at the filesystem's make/creation time and does NOT generate them as needed? (Choose TWO correct answers.) 

A. ext3 


C. ext2 


E. procfs 

Answer: A,C 

Q11. - (Topic 4) 

In order to display all currently mounted filesystems, which of the following commands could be used? (Choose TWO correct answers.) 

A. cat /proc/self/mounts 

B. free 

C. mount 

D. lsmounts 

E. cat /proc/filesystems 

Answer: A,C 

Q12. - (Topic 3) 

Which of the following commands prints a list of usernames (first column) and their primary group (fourth column) from the /etc/passwd file? 

A. fmt -f 1,4 /etc/passwd 

B. split -c 1,4 /etc/passwd 

C. cut -d : -f 1,4 /etc/passwd 

D. paste -f 1,4 /etc/passwd 


Q13. - (Topic 4) 

Which of the following commands set the sticky bit for the directory /tmp? (Choose TWO correct answers.) 

A. chmod +s /tmp 

B. chmod +t /tmp 

C. chmod 1775 /tmp 

D. chmod 4775 /tmp 

E. chmod 2775 /tmp 

Answer: B,C 

Q14. - (Topic 3) 

What is the maximum niceness value that a regular user can assign to a process with the nice command when executing a new process? 

A. 9 

B. 19 

C. 49 

D. 99 


Q15. - (Topic 3) 

What is the default nice level when a process is started using the nice command? 

A. -10 

B. 10 

C. 20 D. 0 


Q16. - (Topic 3) 

Which of the following shell redirections will write standard output and standard error output to a file named filename? 

A. 2>&1 >filename 

B. >filename 2>&1 

C. 1>&2>filename 

D. >>filename 

E. 1&2>filename 
