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Q393. - (Topic 2) 

The process that performs the authentication for SSL VPN Users is: 

A. cvpnd 

B. cpd 

C. fwm 

D. vpnd 


Q394. - (Topic 6) 

Can end users be forced to authenticate by using client certificates and username/password credentials? 

A. Yes, but by manually changing the parameter :IsPasswordWarning to true in the $FWDIR/conf/objects_5_0.C file, to allow for LDAP password remediation; and through the use of multiple-challenge login pages. 

B. No, R71 only supports authentication by client certificates. 

C. Yes, by editing the protection-level settings. 

D. SSL VPN only supports server certificates. 


Q395. - (Topic 4) 

You are preparing to deploy a VPN-1 Pro Gateway for VPN-1 NGX. You have five systems to choose from for the new Gateway, and you must conform to the following requirements: 

Operating-system vendor's license agreement 

Check Point's license agreement 

Minimum operating-system hardware specification 

Minimum Gateway hardware specification 

Gateway installed on a supported operating system (OS) 

Which machine meets ALL of the following requirements? 

A. Processor: 1.1 GHz RAM: 512MB Hard disk: 10 GB OS: Windows 2000 Workstation 

B. Processor: 2.0 GHz RAM: 512MB Hard disk: 10 GB OS: Windows ME 

C. Processor: 1.5 GHz RAM: 256 MB Hard disk: 20 GB OS: Red Hat Linux 8.0 

D. Processor: 1.67 GHz RAM: 128 MB Hard disk: 5 GB OS: FreeBSD 

E. Processor: 2.2 GHz RAM: 256 MB Hard disk: 20 GB OS: Windows 2000 Server 


Q396. - (Topic 6) 

Network applications accessed using SSL Network Extender have been found to fail after one of their TCP connections has been left idle for more than one hour. You determine that you must enable sending reset (RST) packets upon TCP time-out expiration. Where is it necessary to change the setting? 

A. $FWDIR/conf/objects_5_0.C 

B. $FWDIR/conf/objects.C 

C. $WEBISDIR/conf/cpadmin.elg 

D. $CVPNDIR/conf/cvpnd.C 


Q397. - (Topic 2) 

In Load Sharing Unicast mode, the internal cluster IP address is The internal interfaces on two members are and Internal host Pings, and receives replies. The following is the ARP table from the internal Windows host 

Review the exhibit and identify the member serving as the pivot machine. 



C. The pivot machine cannot be determined by this test. 



Q398. - (Topic 3) 

______________ is NOT anSmart Eventevent-triggered Automatic Reaction. 

A. SNMP Trap 

B. Mail 

C. Block Access 

D. External Script 


Q399. - (Topic 7) 

What is a task of the SmartEvent Client? 

A. Add events to the events database. 

B. Display the received events. 

C. Assign a severity level to an event. 

D. Analyze each IPS log entry as it enters the Log server. 


Q400. CORRECT TEXT - (Topic 7) 

Type the command and syntax to view critical devices on a cluster member in a ClusterXL environment. 

Answer: cphaprob -ia list