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New CIW 1D0-435 Exam Dumps Collection (Question 6 - Question 15)

Question No: 6

In JavaScript, which of the following will clear a cookie?

A. You cannot ever clear a cookie

B. Type "Clear Cookie"

C. Adding an expiration date that has already passed.

D. rename the cookie "clear.cookie"

Answer: C

Question No: 7

Which of the following operators is the logical "and", that evaluates to true when both operands are true?


B. &

C. and

D. &&

Answer: D

Question No: 8

Which of the following is the proper file extension for an external script file.

A. .js

B. .html

C. .src

D. .jvs

Answer: A

Question No: 9

The term refers to any application, such as a Web Browser or help engine, that renders HTML for display to users.

A. browser window

B. Internet Explorer

C. user agent

D. browser agent

Answer: C

Question No: 10

var firstName="Sandy" would be the correct way to declare the variable firstName and assign it an initial value of "Sandy".

A. True

B. False

Answer: A

Question No: 11

developed JavaScript.

A. Netscape


C. W3C

D. Microsoft

Answer: A

Question No: 12

The Microsoft implementation of the Netscape JavaScript language is called


A. VBScript

B. Java

C. ECMAScript

D. JScript

Answer: D

Question No: 13

In JavaScript the operator += will

A. add together the operands and assign the result to the right operand.

B. assign the value of the right operand to the left operand.

C. do nothing because it should be =+.

D. add together the operands and assign the result to the left operand.

Answer: D

Question No: 14

With JavaScript, it is possible to change two frames simultaneously.

To do this, you must write a function that includes

A. two location.href statements

B. two parent.parent statements

C. two references to top

D. You cannot really do this.

Answer: A

Question No: 15

A is a named space of memory, like a container that holds a value.

A. value

B. prompt()

C. property

D. variable

Answer: D

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