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New CIW 1D0-437 Exam Dumps Collection (Question 7 - Question 16)

New Questions 7

Consider the following lines of code:

1.$playerStr = "Today's player is Bob Petit."; 2.if($playerStr =~ /[Ruth|Gehrig|DiMaggio]/) {

3. $game = "Baseball"; 4.}else{

5. $game = "Basketball"; 6.}

7.print $game;

What is the output of these lines of code?

A. No output is generated due to an error in line 2.

B. Basketball

C. Baseball

D. No output is generated due to an error in line 3.

Answer: C

New Questions 8

Consider the following lines of code:

$_ = "This is a test"; s/^([^ ]*)\s*([^ ]*)/$2 $1/; print;

What is the output of these lines of code?

A. h Tis a test

B. is This a test

C. i Thiss a test

D. his T is a test

Answer: B

New Questions 9

Consider the program code in the attached exhibit. What is the result of executing this program code?

A. The code will output the following: Bumblebee

B. The code will output the following: HumhlHee

C. The code will output the following: BumblHee

D. The code will output the following: HumblHee

Answer: D

New Questions 10

Consider the following program code: print(1 );

BEGIN { print(2 ); }

END { print(3 ); }

BEGIN { print(4 ); } END


package MyPackage; print(5 );


What is the result of executing this program code?

A. The code will output the following: 1 2 3 4 5

B. The code will output the following: 2 4 1 5 3

C. The code will output the following: 2 1 3 4 5

D. The code will output the following: 2 4 1 3

Answer: B

New Questions 11

Consider the following program code:

@array = ("ALPHA", "beta", "GaMmA");

@array = sort(@array); print("@array");

What is the output of this code?

A. beta GaMmA ALPHA

B. ALPHA GaMmA beta

C. ALPHA beta GaMmA

D. beta ALPHA GaMmA

Answer: B

New Questions 12

Which of the following choices demonstrates the correct syntax for creating a hash?

A. %passwds = ("denise", "robert", "yolanda") => ("pass1", "pass2", "pass3");

B. %passwds() = ("denise", "pass1", "robert", "pass2", "yolanda", "pass3");

C. %passwds = (denise=> "pass1", robert=> "pass2", yolanda=> "pass3");

D. %passwds{3} = ("denise", "robert", "yolanda") => ("pass1", "pass2", "pass3");

Answer: C

New Questions 13

Consider the following program code:

@array = ("ALPHA", "beta", "GaMmA");

sort(@array); print("@array");

What is the output of this code?

A. beta GaMmA ALPHA

B. ALPHA GaMmA beta

C. ALPHA beta GaMmA

D. beta ALPHA GaMmA

Answer: C

New Questions 14

Which one of the following while statements uses correct syntax and expressions?

A. while {0} (print "OK");

B. while ($c != 99) {print "OK"}

C. while {$b eq "OK"} (print "$a++");

D. while ($_) Do {print "OK");

Answer: B

New Questions 15

Consider the following program code:

@array = ("Y", "W", "X");

@array = sort(@array); unshift(@array, "Z"); print(@array[0]);

What is the output of this code?

A. W

B. X

C. Y

D. Z

Answer: D

New Questions 16

In Perl, packages are used for which task?

A. To label a program

B. To encrypt a program

C. To create new keywords

D. To define a namespace

Answer: D

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