Exambible 1D0-520 Questions are updated and all 1D0-520 answers are verified by experts. Once you have completely prepared with our 1D0-520 exam prep kits you will be ready for the real 1D0-520 exam without a problem. We have Updated CIW 1D0-520 dumps study guide. PASSED 1D0-520 First attempt! Here What I Did.

New CIW 1D0-520 Exam Dumps Collection (Question 2 - Question 11)

Q2. Which of the following best describes the type of information that Web server log files can collect?

A. Browser version, reviewed products, IP address

B. Browser information, pages viewed, referrer sites

C. Browser information, return visits, past purchases

D. Credit card number used, favorite products, pages viewed

Answer: B

Q3. Hal has saved a file as a template in Dreamweaver. If he has not already done so, Dreamweaver will prompt him to add:

A. a content region.

B. an editable region.

C. a CSS style sheet.

D. a <div> tag to hold content.

Answer: B

Q4. Suandi is documenting the technology choices of his Web development team. In the document, he explains his reasons for using JavaScript as a development language on the client side because:

A. it is best suited for open-source browsers.

B. it is compatible with the widest variety of Web browsers.

C. it is the scripting version of the popular Java programming language.

D. it was specifically developed for use with the Internet Explorer Web browser.

Answer: B

Q5. Which of the following languages is used to update a table in a relational database?

A. C#


C. Java


Answer: B

Q6. In order to create two simultaneous moving objects, you would need at least:

A. one layer, one timeline and four keyframes.

B. one layer, two timelines and two keyframes.

C. two layers, one timeline and two keyframes.

D. two layers, one timeline and four keyframes.

Answer: D

Q7. Your site development team has created a Web site, and you want to test its accessibility. Which of the following do you need to conduct the test?

A. A test pool of very unskilled users

B. A test pool of at least five or six typical users

C. A test pool of at least six members of the Web team

D. A test pool of fewer than five moderately skilled users

Answer: B

Q8. You are creating a Web site that uses a gradient fill for all page backgrounds on a site. To ensure that you can see the gradient through the image background, you should:

A. use TIF images with transparent backgrounds.

B. use JPG images with transparent backgrounds.

C. use GIF 89a images with transparent backgrounds.

D. use GIF 89b images with transparent backgrounds.

Answer: C

Q9. The best way to thwart a dictionary attack is by enforcing a:

A. proxy server policy.

B. strong password policy.

C. restricted access policy.

D. firewall configuration policy.

Answer: B

Q10. During a project meeting, Anna is explaining the requirements for a development server. Which of the following items should be identical between the development server and the production server?

A. The motherboard chip set

B. The operating system configuration

C. The manufacturer of the hard disk drive

D. The amount of unused space on the hard disk drive

Answer: B

Q11. What is the primary purpose of navigational elements within a Web site?

A. To organize a list of hyperlinks

B. To make it easy for users to visit other sites

C. To enable user movement throughout the site

D. To make it easy for users to reach the home page

Answer: C

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