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Q1. Online credit-card transactions require a payment gateway. Payment gateway software can be installed on your Web server or hosted online. After you install a payment gateway, you must: 

A. develop an effective marketing strategy. 

B. install the e-commerce database system. 

C. select and establish a compatible merchant account. 

D. configure the gateway to work with your e-commerce server. 


Q2. Which of the following is often cited as an advantage of Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS)? 

A. It runs as a server background process. 

B. It is launched automatically with an HTTP request. 

C. It is integrated into the Windows server environment. 

D. It is free with every purchase of ASP and SQL Server. 


Q3. You are logged on to a Linux system. You suspect a problem with the system's MySQL database server. Which of the following files will contain relevant information pertaining to the failure? 

A. ~root/.error 

B. /var/log/messages 

C. /var/run/lock/mysql 

D. ~root/.database_error 


Q4. Your e-business acquires raw materials and parts from several international suppliers and assembles those materials into a finished product. What is the name for the process that connects the materials and components to the consumer? 

A. Supply chain 

B. Product life cycle 

C. Just-in-time (JIT) delivery 

D. Logistics of rapid replenishment 


Q5. Suppose you were using statistical software to evaluate the performance of various HTTP server packages. What would be the most efficient way to compare performance data accurately? 

A. Request that vendors provide their benchmark results of running a standard monitoring application. 

B. Use a remote computer to capture statistical information on each server operating under a simulated load. 

C. Install resource-monitoring software on each server independently and vary the actual load conditions on each server. 

D. Gather real-time performance data on each server by running several system-monitoring applications on the server at one time. 


Improve 1D0-525 practice exam:

Q6. Which of the following is the most effective way to build community with your online storefront? 

A. Provide a quantity discount. 

B. Create an incentive-based program. 

C. Accept several different payment options. 

D. Generate an automatic order confirmation. 


Q7. You are transitioning from a traditional "brick-and-mortar storefront that accepts credit cards to a new e-commerce storefront. Which payment method would be most appropriate during the transition? 

A. Cash on delivery (c.o.d.) 

B. Open Buying on the Internet (OBI) 

C. Credit card with offline processing 

D. Advance payment using check or money order 


Q8. Isabelle, a site administrator, has just analyzed her Web site's traffic and discovered that many users abandon the site when they reach a particular page. Which source of Web site data can Isabelle use to analyze this pattern? 

A. Server logs 

B. Hit counters 

C.  Page weight 

D. Page rankings 


Q9. Which of the following site creation models would be most appropriate for a site needing customer relationship management (CRM) and personalization? 

A. Online instant storefront 

B. Mid-level online instant storefront 

C. Mid-level offline instant storefront 

D. High-level offline instant storefront 


Q10. Which of the following is true of a mid-level offline instant storefront? 

A. It is easier to use than an online instant storefront. 

B. It is less likely to allow site customization features. 

C. It is more expensive than an online instant storefront. 

D. It provides fewer security options than an online instant storefront. 
