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Q25. The goals for effective usability in an e-commerce site are to get customers to: 

A. visit, learn and return. 

B. find, learn and review. 

C. visit, learn and purchase. 

D. find, compare and revisit. 


Q26. Which of the following statements about PayPal is accurate? 

A. PayPal does not offer currency conversion for international customers. 

B. Your customers will be directed away from your site for payment processing. 

C. PayPal does not allow your customers to use major credit cards for purchases. 

D. Payment processing uses weak encryption standards and is vulnerable to fraud. 


Q27. An online instant storefront can build community by: 

A. granting quantity discounts. 

B. creating an e-mail newsletter. 

C. using banner exchange programs. 

D. providing a public listing of customer e-mail addresses. 


Q28. Which party in an electronic funds transfer uses the Automated Clearing House (ACH) network to clear funds? 

A. The Web customer 

B. The Web merchant 

C. The Web merchant's bank 

D. The Web customer's bank 


Q29. Which of the following market models is considered industry-centric that is, a model in which all the businesses in a particular market are involved in the same industry? 

A. B2C market 

B. Open market 

C. Vertical market 

D. Horizontal market 


Q30. Which of the following terms describes a level of a supply chain? 

A. Tier 

B. Unit 

C. Block 

D. Group 


Q31. Which of the following can help assure customers that the information they provide to you will remain private? 

A. Create a data backup policy. 

B. Post the company security policy. 

C. Implement and post a privacy policy. 

D. Provide an opt-out link for all e-mail sent to customers. 


Q32. Most Web sites that use online advertising can be divided into two site categories based on how the sites benefit from the advertising. What are these two e-commerce site categories? 

A. Referrer sites and marketer sites 

B. Referrer sites and publisher sites 

C. Publisher sites and marketer sites 

D. Marketer sites and advertising sites 
