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2021 Nov 1D0-610 exam guide

Q71. Which of the following is used to help non-technical users collectively classify and find information on a site? 

A. Tagging 

B. A wiki 

C. Web feed 

D. Ajax 


Q72. Marsha has been hired by XYZ, Inc., to update the company Web site. Marsha discovers that the existing Web pages were structured using tables. Marsha needs to explain to XYZ why the Web site needs to be recoded in HTML5 with CSS controlling the structure of the document. What is the most important reason for using HTML5 and CSS? 

A. The updates will increase user traffic to the site. 

B. The updates will improve the overall look and feel of the Web site. 

C. The Web site can be interpreted by any HTML5-compliant browser, including mobile devices. 

D. The Web site will rank higher in many search engines results, as long as the search engine bot recognizes the code. 


Q73. Which of the following strategies will help protect your computer against virus attacks? 

A. Perform regular backups of your hard drive. 

B. Open e-mail attachments only from unknown senders. 

C. Update the definitions for your malware protection application frequently. 

D. Configure security settings for your Web browser to the lowest possible level. 


Q74. Cloud-computing enables mobile devices to provide users with access to a wide variety of applications and services. Which of the following is a disadvantage of mobile devices? 

A. Mobile devices cannot accommodate Web browsing. 

B. Mobile devices cannot easily be used for checking e-mail. 

C. Mobile devices cannot access software hosted on remote servers. 

D. Mobile devices cannot accommodate large database installations or applications. 


Q75. When a developer wants to center a paragraph of text, which code should she use? 

A. <p text-align=“center”>This is the text to center</p> 

B. <p “text-align: center”> This is the text to center</p> 

C. <p style=“text-align: center”> This is the text to center</p> 

D. <p style: text-align=“center”> This is the text to center</p> 


Down to date 1D0-610 practice:

Q76. You are a small-business owner and would like to encourage employees to bring their own devices (BYOD) to work. Which of the following can help reduce the security risks associated with a BYOD implementation? 

A. Expense accounts 

B. Acceptable use policy 

C. End user license agreement 

D. In-house device maintenance 


Q77. Sam is a professor at a small college. Due to a scheduling conflict, he was unable to obtain access to the computer lab to give the final exam. As an alternative, he asked students to bring their own devices (BYOD) and connect to the college’s Wi-Fi for network access. What security risk is associated with this implementation? 

A. Inability for students to share files 

B. Inability for students to back up user files 

C. Student devices sending unsecured data 

D. Student devices being more susceptible to malware 


Q78. You just received a joke that was c-mailed to you by a co-worker. You find the joke funny and consider forwarding it to another co-worker that you trust. 

Which human resources issue do you risk by forwarding the e-mail message? 

A. Forgetting to include others who might find the joke funny 

B. Copyright infringement by not providing credit to the originator of the joke 

C. Offending a recipient who receives the joke as a result from further forwarding 

D. Reducing the effectiveness of spam filters 


Q79. What should be your first step when troubleshooting a network connection that uses a cable modem? 

A. Ping the proxy server. 

B. Ping the default gateway. 

C. Ping local devices using their DNS names. 

D. Ping local devices using their IP addresses. 


Q80. Sampson has used HTML5 to create a Web page that contains image-based navigation buttons. He would like to add text-based navigation to help ensure accessibility. Which of the following HTML5 elements should he use? 

A. <aside> 

B. <footer> 

C. <header> 

D. <article> 
