Exam Code: 1z0 803 practice test (Practice Exam Latest Test Questions VCE PDF)
Exam Name: Java SE 7 Programmer I
Certification Provider: Oracle
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Q41. Given the fragment: 

What is the result? 

A. 13480.0 

B. 13480.02 

C. Compilation fails 

D. An exception is thrown at runtime 


Q42. View the exhibit: 

public class Student { 

public String name = ""; 

public int age = 0; 

public String major = "Undeclared"; 

public boolean fulltime = true;  

public void display() { 

System.out.println("Name: " + name + " Major: " + major); } 

public boolean isFullTime() { 

return fulltime; 


Public class TestStudent { 

public static void main(String[] args) { 

Student bob = new Student (); 

bob.name = "Bob"; 

bob.age = 18; 

bob.year = 1982; 

What is the result? 

A. year is set to 1982. 

B. bob.year is set to 1982 

C. A runtime error is generated. 

D. A compile time error is generated. 


Q43. Given: 

What is the result? 

A. 2 1 

B. 2 1 0 

C. null 

D. an infinite loop 

E. compilation fails 


Q44. Given: 

Which two modifications are necessary to ensure that the class is being properly encapsulated? 

The class is poorly encapsulated. You need to change the circle class to compute and return the area instead. 

A. Remove the area field. 

B. Change the getArea( ) method as follows: public double getArea ( ) { return Match.PI * radius * radius; } 

C. Add the following method: public double getArea ( ) {area = Match.PI * radius * radius; } 

D. Change the cacess modifier of the SerRadius ( ) method to be protected. 

Answer: BD 

Q45. What is the result? 

A. 100 210 

B. Compilation fails due to an error in line n1 

C. Compilation fails due to an error at line n2 

D. Compilation fails due to an error at line n3 


Q46. View the exhibit: 

public class Student { 

public String name = ""; 

public int age = 0; 

public String major = "Undeclared"; 

public boolean fulltime = true; 

public void display() { 

System.out.println("Name: " + name + " Major: " + major); } 

public boolean isFullTime() { 

return fulltime; 

Which line of code initializes a student instance? 

A. Student student1; 

B. Student student1 = Student.new(); 

C. Student student1 = new Student(); 

D. Student student1 = Student(); 


Q47. Given: 

What is the result? 

A. x: 1 y: 2 

B. 3 y: 4 

C. x: 0 y: 0 

D. 3 y: 4 

E. x: 1 y: 2 

F. 0 y: 0 

G. x: 0 y: 0 

H. 0 y: 0 


Q48. Given: 

What is the result? 

A. 2 4 6 8 10 12 

B. 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 

C. Compilation fails 

D. The program prints multiple of 2 infinite times 

E. The program prints nothing 


Q49. Given the code fragments: 

What is the result? 

A. Super 



B. Contract 



C. Compilation fails at line n1 

D. Compilation fails at line n2 


Q50. for ( expr1 ; expr2 ; expr3 ) { 


Which two statements are true? 

A. This is not the only valid for loop construct; there exits another form of for loop 


B. The expression expr1 is optional. it initializes the loop and is evaluated once, as the loop 


C. When expr2 evaluates to false, the loop terminates. It is evaluated only after each 

iteration through the loop. 

D. The expression expr3 must be present. It is evaluated after each iteration through the 


Answer: BC