Q21. Given: 

What will be the output? 

A. Option A 

B. Option B 

C. Option C 

D. Option D 


Q22. Given: 

What is the result? 

A. hEllOjAvA! 

B. Hello java! 

C. Out of limits hEllOjAvA! 

D. Out of limits 


Q23. Which of the following exception will be thrown due to the statement given here? 

int array[] = new int[-2]; 

A. NullPointerException 

B. NegativeArraySizeException 

C. ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException 

D. IndexOutOfBoundsException 

E. This statement does not cause any exception. 



In given statement we can see that, we have passed negative value for creating int array, 

which results a NegativeArraySize Except ion. Hence option B is correct. 

Option A is incorrect as it is thrown when an application attempts to use null in a case 

where an object is required. 

Option D is incorrect as IndexOutOfBoundsException thrown to indicate that an index of 

some sort (such as to an array, to a string, or to a vector) is out of range. 



Q24. Given: 

Which of the following is equivalent to the above code fragment? 

A. System.out.printLn(x>10?">,': "<":,'="); 

B. System.out.println(x>10? ">"?"<":"="); 

C. System.out.println(x>10?">":x<10?"<":"="); 

D. System.out.printLn(x>10?">"?,'<"?"="); 

E. None of the above 



Option A is incorrect as we can't use abstract with non abstract method, (here method has method body.) Option C is incorrect as when overriding method we can't use more restrictive access modifier, so trying to use private to override default access Level method causes a compile time error. Option D is incorrect as default methods (not methods with default access level) are allowed only in interfaces. Option E is incorrect as method all ready has void as return type, so we can't add int there. Option B is correct as we can use final there, since the method is non abstract 


Q25. Given: 

Which code fragment should you use at line n1 to instantiate the dvd object successfully? 

A. Option A 

B. Option B 

C. Option C 

D. Option D 


Q26. Given: 

How many objects have been created when the line / / do complex stuff is reached? 

A. Two 

B. Three 

C. Four 

D. Six 


Q27. Given the code fragment: 

What is the result? 

A. May 04, 2014T00:00:00.000 

B. 2014-05-04T00:00: 00. 000 

C. 5/4/14T00:00:00.000 

D. An exception is thrown at runtime. 



java.time.temporal.UnsupportedTemporalTypeException: Unsupported field: HourOfDay 

Q28. Given the code format: 

Which code fragment must be inserted at line 6 to enable the code to compile? 

A. DBConfiguration f; return f; 

B. Return DBConfiguration; 

C. Return new DBConfiguration; 

D. Retutn 0; 


Q29. public class StringReplace { 

public static void main(String[] args) { 

String message = "Hi everyone!"; 

System.out.println("message = " + message.replace("e", "X")); } 

What is the result? 

A. message = Hi everyone! 

B. message = Hi XvXryonX! 

C. A compile time error is produced. 

D. A runtime error is produced. 

E. message = 

F. message = Hi Xveryone! 


Q30. Given: 

Class A { } 

Class B { } 

Interface X { } 

Interface Y { } 

Which two definitions of class C are valid? 

A. Class C extends A implements X { } 

B. Class C implements Y extends B { } 

C. Class C extends A, B { } 

D. Class C implements X, Y extends B { } 

E. Class C extends B implements X, Y { } 

Answer: A,E 

Explanation: extends is for extending a class. 

implements is for implementing an interface. Java allows for a class to implement many interfaces.