Q31. Given: 

What is the result? 

A. Marrown 

String out of limits 


B. Marrown 

String out of limits 

Array out of limits 

C. Marrown 

String out of limits 

D. Marrown 




Q32. Given the code fragment: 

Which option can replace xxx to enable the code to print 135? 

A. int e = 0; e < = 4; e++ 

B. int e = 0; e < 5; e + = 2 

C. int e = 1; e < = 5; e + = 1 

D. int e = 1; e < 5; e+ =2 


Q33. Given: 

public class ComputeSum { 

public int x; 

public int y; 

public int sum; 

public ComputeSum (int nx, int ny) { 

x = nx; y =ny; 


public void setX(int nx) { x = nx; updateSum();} 

public void setY(int ny) { x = ny; updateSum();} 

void updateSum() { sum = x + y;} 

This class needs to protect an invariant on the sum field. 

Which three members must have the private access modifier to ensure that this invariant is maintained? 

A. The x field 

B. The y field 

C. The sum field 

D. The ComputerSum ( ) constructor 

E. The setX ( ) method 

F. The setY ( ) method 

Answer: C,E,F 

Explanation: The sum field and the two methods (setX and SetY) that updates the sum field. 

Q34. Given the code fragment: 

Which two modifications should you make so that the code compiles successfully? 

A. Option A 

B. Option B 

C. Option C 

D. Option D 

E. Option E 

Answer: A,C 


Add throws clause in both printFileContent and main. 

Q35. Which statement is/are true? 

I. Default constructor only contains "super();" call. 

II. We can't use any access modifier with a constructor. 

III. A constructor should not have a return type. 

A. Only I. 

B. Only II. 

C. Only I and II. 

D. Only I and III. 




Statement I is correct as the default constructor only contains super0 call 

Statement II is incorrect as we can use any access modifier with a constructor. 

Statement III is correct as constructor can't have return type, even void. 

So option D is correct. 


Q36. Given: 

And the commands: 

Javac Test.java 

Java Test 12345 

What is the result? 

A. Number us : 12345 

B. A NullPointerException is thrown at runtime 

C. A NumberFormatException is thrown at runtime 

D. AnArrayIndexOutOfBoundException is thrown at runtime. 


Q37. Given: 

A. a, e 

i, o 

B. a, e 

o, o 

C. e, e 

I, o 

D. e, e 

o, o 


Q38. Given: 

public class Test { 

public static void main(String[] args) { 

int ax = 10, az = 30; 

int aw = 1, ay = 1; 

try { 

aw = ax % 2; 

ay = az / aw; 

} catch (ArithmeticException e1) { 

System.out.println("Invalid Divisor"); 

} catch (Exception e2) { 

aw = 1; 

System.out.println("Divisor Changed"); 

ay = az /aw; // Line 14 

System.out.println("Succesful Division " + ay); 

What is the result? 

A. Invalid Divisor 

Divisor Changed 

Successful Division 30 

B. Invalid Divisor 

Successful Division 30 

C. Invalid Divisor 

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero 

at test.Teagle.main(Teagle.java:14) 

D. Invalid Divisor 

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero 

at test.Teagle.main(Teagle.java:14) 

Successful Division 1 


Q39. Which three statements are true about the structure of a Java class? 

A. A class can have only one private constructor. 

B. A method can have the same name as a field. 

C. A class can have overloaded static methods. 

D. A public class must have a main method. 

E. The methods are mandatory components of a class. 

F. The fields need not be initialized before use. 

Answer: A,B,C 

Explanation: A: Private constructors prevent a class from being explicitly instantiated by its 


If the programmer does not provide a constructor for a class, then the system will always 

provide a default, public no-argument constructor. To disable this default constructor, 

simply add a private no-argument constructor to the class. This private constructor may be 


B: The following works fine: 

int cake() { 

int cake=0; 

return (1); 

C: We can overload static method in Java. In terms of method overloading static method 

are just like normal methods and in order to overload static method you need to provide 

another static method with same name but different method signature. 


Not D: Only a public class in an application need to have a main method. 

Not E: 


class A 

public string something; 

public int a; 

Q: What do you call classes without methods? Most of the time: An anti pattern. 

Why? Because it faciliates procedural programming with "Operator" classes and data 

structures. You separate data and behaviour which isn't exactly good OOP. 

Often times: A DTO (Data Transfer Object) 

Read only datastructures meant to exchange data, derived from a business/domain object. 

Sometimes: Just data structure. 

Well sometimes, you just gotta have those structures to hold data that is just plain and 

simple and has no operations on it. 

Not F: Fields need to be initialtized. If not the code will not compile. 


Uncompilable source code - variable x might not have been initialized 

Q40. Given: 

public class TestLoop { 

public static void main(String[] args) { 

int array[] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 4}; 

int key = 3; 

for (int pos = 0; pos < array.length; ++pos) { 

if (array[pos] == key) { 


System.out.print("Found " + key + "at " + pos); 

What is the result? 

A. Found 3 at 2 

B. Found 3 at 3 

C. Compilation fails 

D. An exception is thrown at runtime 


Explanation: The following line does not compile: System.out.print("Found " + key + "at " + pos); 

The variable pos is undefined at this line, as its scope is only valid in the for loop. Any variables created inside of a loop are LOCAL TO THE LOOP.