Many candidates have got no tips about the best way to prepare for your CompTIA 220-901 examination. Should you be the same since them, please seek help from Pass4sure. Our own CompTIA 220-901 exam braindumps are introduced in study guide, Pdf and also test serp formats. The actual study guide is well-organized and also structured. All the essential points associated with CompTIA exam have been contained within the study guide which is introduced chapter by chapter. It?¡¥s really convenient and also clear for your candidates to use. The actual Pdf files are printable and also portable and the analyze engine software will be downloadable. All of each of our CompTIA CompTIA exam products tend to be free offered after buying. You will obtain instant access to the CompTIA 220-901 exam questions and also answers when we confirm your current payment.

2021 Dec 220-901 brain dumps

Q31. A customer brings a laptop in for repair, because the screen image is upside down. Which of the following is the BEST solution?

A. Change the screen orientation

B. Replace the video card

C. Connect an external monitor

D. Update the video card drivers

Answer: A

Q32. Which of the following wireless technologies is LEAST likely to be intercepted by a third party?


B. Bluetooth

C. WiFi

D. Cellular

Answer: A


Place the appropriate token next to each graphic


Q34. A technician needs to run a diagnostic DVD on a laptop running Windows 8.1. After setting the boot order in the UEFI BIOS to the internal DVD-RW drive, the laptop still boots into Windows. Which of the following settings needs to be adjusted in order for the laptop to boot from the DVD-RW drive?


B. Virtualization

C. Secure boot

D. UEFI BIOS password

Answer: C

Q35. Which of the following RAM types can continue working if there is corrupt data?

A. Non-parity

B. Dual channel

C. Buffered


Answer: D

Improved 220-901 free exam questions:

Q36. A user opens a service ticket for a laser printer that has paper jams. Lately, jamming has become more frequent. The technician recreates the problem and checks the printer logs for more information about the printer. Which of the following choices are MOST likely fixes to this problem? (Select TWO).

A. Clean and inspect the laser drum assembly

B. Clean and inspect the entire paper path

C. Use the printer maintenance kit to replace parts

D. Replace the paper exit assembly switch

E. Clean and replace the paper out sensor

F. Clean the fuser cold roller and verify fuser operation

Answer: B,C

Q37. A customer wants to copy a database that is 97GB in size for multiple uses. Which of the following format specifications should the customer use?



C. BD – RE


Answer: A

Q38. Which of the following is an advantage of using DHCP for network addressing?

A. Simplified configuration

B. More addresses are available

C. Faster connection speeds

D. Lower latency times

Answer: A

Q39. A technician cannot communicate with one particular IP address and needs to narrow down where the traffic is stopping. Which of the following commands would be used to determine this?

A. nslookup

B. ipconfig

C. nbtstat

D. ping

E. tracert

Answer: E

Q40. The Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of a company has requested outside access to a server within the company network so that sensitive documents can be worked on from home. Which of the following is the MOST appropriate tool to give the CEO the requested access?


B. Port forwarding

C. Port triggering


Answer:: D