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Q81. A user has recently installed Windows 7 on a computer. They ran Windows updates, updated the firmware and installed a printer. The user accessed a P2P application and now they are getting a large amount of browser pop-ups. Which of the following is MOST likely the cause of the pop-ups? 

A. Phishing 

B. Malware 

C. Proxy redirect 

D. Firmware 


Q82. A technician recently removed spyware from a computer and now the user is getting error messages about system files. Which of the following tools would a technician use to verify all system files are intact and in their original versions? 

A. Repair Disk 





Q83. A technician is tasked with setting up a user’s webmail on a tablet, phone, and laptop. The user would like the data synced to all three devices. Which of the following items can be synced to the devices via webmail? (Select THREE). 

A. Free/busy 

B. Programs 

C. Documents 

D. Calendar 

E. Favorites 

F. Social media 

G. Contacts 

Answer: A,D,G 

Q84. An end user has reported not receiving emails sent by a specific customer. Which of the following is the MOST likely cause of this issue? 

A. The HIPS device is blocking the messages 

B. The access control list is blocking the messages 

C. The email filter has quarantined the messages 

D. The firewall is blocking the sender’s email address 


Q85. A user needs to connect securely to the company network while working from a hotel room. Which of the following would the user need available to accomplish this? 




D. WPA2 


Q86. A user is looking for the Application Data directory in their profile but cannot see it. Which of the following Control Panel options would correct this? 

A. System 

B. Display 

C. User Accounts 

D. Folder Options 


Q87. A user calls the helpdesk reporting that when accessing the company portal, it redirects to an unfamiliar website. Which of the following steps would the technician take to resolve this issue using best practices? 

A. Identify symptoms, quarantine infected system, and create restore point. 

B. Quarantine infected system, identify symptoms, and create restore point. 

C. Identify symptoms, educate end user, and create restore point. 

D. Create restore point, identify symptoms, and quarantine infected system. 


Q88. A technician is using the troubleshooting theory to help resolve a problem that is occurring with a client’s machine. The technician has verified system functionally. Which of the following is the NEXT step in the troubleshooting theory? 

A. Identify the problem 

B. Establish a plan of action to resolve the problem 

C. Test the theory to determine cause 

D. Document findings, actions, and outcomes 


Q89. Which of the following tasks is automatically added to the task scheduler in Windows to keep hard disk performance up? 

A. defrag 

B. chkdsk 

C. cleanmgr 

D. diskpart 


Q90. A technician needs to quickly destroy data on several hard drives that are no longer wanted. Which of the following methods is MOST effective? 

A. Physical destruction 

B. Quick format 

C. Low level format 

D. Overwrite 
