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Q9. Which statement is true with regard to SIP Monitoring being enabled on a SIP Entity? 

A. Session Manager will monitor the status of that SIP Entity by sending SIP OPTIONS requests. 

B. SIP Entity will monitor the status of Session Manager by sending SIP OPTIONS requests. 

C. Session Manager will monitor the status of that SIP Entity by sending SIP SUBSCRIBE requests. 

D. Session Manager will monitor the status of that SIP Entity by sending SIP NOTIFY requests. 

E. System Manager will monitor the status of that SIP Entity by sending SIP OPTIONS requests. 

Answer: A

Q10. Which URL should be used to access the web console to install a System Manager template? 





Answer: C

Q11. R has started importing a file containing many user records. 

What will SMGR do if it encounters a record it cannot import? 

A. It will abort the operation and roll back any successfully imported records from the import file. 

B. Whether SMGR will abort and rollback the operation or continue processing records is entirely configurable. 

C. Whether SMGR will abort or continue processing records is entirely configurable; but you cannot rollback successfully imported users. 

D. It will continue processing the rest of the import file and collate the failures into a single XML document that can be retrieved following the import. 

Answer: B

Q12. From where can a System Manager (SMGR) export of user data be performed? 

A. from an SSH session with the System Platform Dom-0 

B. from an SSH session with the System Manager virtual machine 

C. from an SSH session with the System Platform C-Dom (utilities domain) 

D. from a web client access System Manager web interface User Management 


Q13. Which parameter is required when installing the System Manager 6.1 (SMGR) template? 

A. SMGR IP address 

B. The IP of the remote server providing High Availability 

C. Subnet network mask 

D. Network Time Protocol (NTP) settings. 

E. Default Gateway IP 

Answer: ACD

Q14. Which statement describes the relationship between System Manager and System Platform? 

A. System Platform hosts System Manager. 

B. System Platform provides access to System Manager's data repositories. 

C. System Manager is the User Interface through which System Platform is administered. 

D. System Manager and System Platform are peer applications, both installed on Avaya S8800 servers. 

Answer: A

Q15. A technician in is tasked with moving a user from one redundant Session Manager pair to another 

Which sequence describes the steps that should be taken? 

A. Go to the User's User Profile. 

Select different Session Manager instance from the Primary Session Manager and Secondary 

Session Manager lists. 

B. Go to the user's User Profile. 

De-select the current community. Select the new community. 

C. Navigate to the Communities page. 

Select the Community into which the user will be moved. 

Select the user from a drop down list to add the user to the community. 

D. Go to the Locations page. 

Select a location, define it as a Primary community and add the user. 

Select another location, define it as a Secondary community and add the user. 

Answer: A

Q16. Shortly after an installation, SIP users in abc.com domain are registered but not able to call H.323 users in training.com domain. When you run traceSM you see a “403 Forbidden” error when users try to call each other. 

What is the issue and which troubleshooting procedure will help you to identify and isolate the problem? 

A. Replication Failure: run initDRS to reinitialize the synchronization between system and session manager. 

B. Network Issue: status the Bandwidth usage to each location and make sure Call Admission Control is activated. 

C. Misconfigured Communication profile: Sip Users have not been associated to the CM endpoint. 

D. Incorrect Routing: verify domains were properly configured in System Manager, verify an adaption to modify the secure/destination domain was created and applied to the appropriate sip entity. 

Answer: C