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Q33. What is the purpose of GLOP addressing? 

A. Allocate each AS a unique range of Inter-domain multicast addresses 

B. Define an addressing structure for inside a domain 

C. Provide a solution for the depletion of addresses 

D. Eliminate the problem of IP multicast addresses overlapping when converted to multicast MAC addresses 


Q34. Which of the following PIM messages are sent towards RP? (Choose two) 

A. (*, G) Join/Prune 

B. (S.G) Join/Prune 

C. Register Stop 

D. (S, G, rpt) Join/Prune 

Answer: AD 

Q35. Under what circumstances will the multicast data flow remain on the Shared Path Tree in a PIM ASM network? 

A. When multicast traffic is below a configured threshold 

B. It will always remain on the Shared Path Tree 

C. It will never remain on the Shared Path Tree 

D. When PIM Dense Mode is in use 


Q36. Which of the following statements best describes the behavior seen in the network when a receiver joins a multicast channel in the PIM ASM network shown in the exhibit? 

A. Both Router B and Router C will propagate a PIM (*, G) Join to the RP when a receiver joins 

B. Only Router B will propagate a PIM (*.G) Join to the RP when a receiver joins 

C. Only Router C will propagate a PIM(\G) Join to the RP when a receiver joins 

D. Depends on the next hop for RP in Router D's RPF table 


Q37. What impact will an asymmetric IGP routing topology have on the PIM RPF check? 

A. The PIM RPF check may fail since traffic from the source may arrive on one interface while the IP route to the source may point to another interface on the PIM router 

B. PIM does not work in an asymmetric topology and therefore the RPF check will not be done 

C. There will be no impact since the shared and source path trees are built from the receiver to the source 

D. There is not enough information provided to answer the question 


Q38. How does IGMP snooping eliminate multicast flooding on the LAN? 

A. The switch populates multicast source addresses into the forwarding table 

B. The switch acts as an IGMP proxy for the receiver 

C. The switch inspects IGMP messages between receivers and routers and populates the forwarding table with active multicast group addresses 

D. The switch inspects all multicast traffic between receivers and routers and populates the forwarding table with active multicast group addresses 


Q39. What is the reason why multicast MAC addresses do not provide a unique representation of IPv4 multicast addresses? 

A. Multicast MAC addresses do provide a unique representation of IP multicast addresses if the administrator configures the translation correctly 

B. The MAC layer does not provide a means for identifying multicast traffic 

C. There are insufficient bits available in the multicast MAC address to provide for a one to one relationship to a multicast IP address 

D. There are insufficient bits available in the multicast IP address to provide for a one to one relationship to a multicast MAC address 


Q40. Refer to the following exhibit. 

Assume all links have an equal metric in the IGP. Receiver 2 and Receiver 3 have joined the multicast group and the source is not sending. Where will the Shared Path Tree have been created? (Choose two) 

A. Router G-E-C 

B. Router F-D-E-G 

C. Router F-D-E-C 

D. Router C-A 

E. Router F-D-B-A 

F. Router G-E-C- A 

G. No Shared Path Tree will have been created 

Answer: AC