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Q33. By default, the SASMeta application server context: 

A. can only be accessed by unrestricted users. 

B. is a backup for theSASApp application server context. 

C. only holds the metadata server definition. 

D. holds the metadata server definition and a definition for a workspace server and DATA step batch server used for administrative functions. 


Q34. You have used the SAS Management Console to delete a repository. Which statement is true? 

A. The metadata and physical files for the repository are deleted. 

B. The metadata for the repository is deleted but the physical files are not affected. 

C. The metadata for the repository is not affected but the physical files are deleted. 

D. The metadata and physical files for the repository are not affected. 


Q35. Which statement is a disadvantage of pre-assigned libraries? 

A. The server does not become available to the user until all pre-assigned libraries have been assigned. 

B. Pre-assigned libraries must be identical across all SAS client applications. 

C. Pre-assigned libraries must be assigned using the autoexec file. 

D. The administrator cannot control which engine is used to access data in a pre-assigned library. 


Q36. In what state must the metadata server be in if you choose to use operating system commands to backup metadata repositories? 

A. Online 

B. Running 

C. Administration 

D. Stopped 


Q37. An identity hierarchy specifies a list of identities and the order of precedence of those identities. Which listing of identities is ranked from highest priority to lowest priority? 

A. User, direct group, indirect group, SASUSERS, PUBLIC 

B. User, SASUSERS, PUBLIC,directgroup, indirect group 

C. SASUSERS, PUBLIC, User, direct group, indirect group 

D. direct group, indirect group, User, PUBLIC, SASUSERS 


23. Which statement regarding default groups is true? 

A. SASUSERS is a subset of PUBLIC 

B. PUBLIC is a subset of SASUSERS 


D. ADMINISTRATORS is a subset of Unrestricted Users 


Q38. In most deployments of the Platform for SAS Business Analytics, which type of access requires passwords for external accounts to be stored in the metadata? 

A. seamless access to the SAS datasets 

B. seamless access to SAS OLAP cubes 

C. seamless access to external databases 

D. all of the above 
