AND-401 is a good certification audit to take up to be able to possess a flourishing career within Android. There are several on line tutorials that might provide help to cook perfectly to the AND-401 audit. You may get the complete list of questions. A good AND-401 practice audit would likely go over most form of queries asked inside AND-401 audit and this also gives a fantastic simulator of the true AND-401 check.

2021 Aug AND-401 book

Q41. Which of the following tools dumps system log messages including stack traces when the device or emulator throws an error? 


B. Logcat 

C. Console 


Answer: B 

Q42. Which of these is the correct function of Traceview? 

A. Displays a graphical task execution log. 

B. Displays graphically a memory acquisition and release log. 

C. Displays graphically the call stack. 

D. Displays graphically the Ul state hierarchy. 

Answer: A 

Q43. The DalvikVM core libraries are a subset of which of the following? 

A. Java ME 

B. Java SE 

C. Java EE 


Answer: B 

Q44. Which of the following is NOT a correct constructer for ArrayAdapter? 

A. ArrayAdapter(Context context) 

B. ArrayAdapter (Context context, int recourse) 

C. ArayAdpater (Context context , int resource, int textViewResourceId) 

D. ArrayAdapter (Context context , int resource, List<T> items) 

Answer: C 

Q45. Which of the following is a call-back method that inflates an options menu from file res/menu/menu.xml? 

A. onOptionsItemSelected 

B. onCreate 

C. Primitive onCreateMenu 

D. onCreateOptionsMenu 

Answer: D 

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Q46. Which of the following sets the entire Activity window as a WebView? 

A. WebView webview = new WebView(this);webview.setAsWindow; 

B. setContentView(R.layout.webview); 

C. WebView webview = new WebView(this);setContentView(webview); 

D. setContentView(“”); 

Answer: C 

Q47. Which of these files contains text values that you can use in your application? 

A. AndroidManifest.xml 

B. res/Text.xml 

C. res/layout/Main.xml 

D. res/values/strings.xml 

Answer: D 

Q48. Which of the following Android View sub-classes uses the WebKit rendering engine to display web pages? 

A. PageView 

B. WebView 

C. MapView 

D. HttpClient 

Answer: B 

Q49. You can create a custom view by extending class: 

A. android.widget.View 

B. android.widget.LinearLayout 

C. android.view.View 

D. android.content.Context 

Answer: C 

Q50. To add a new Activity to your application, you need to perform the following steps: 

A. Create a Java class that extends View, set a layout, and add an Activity tag in AndroidManifest.xml. 

B. Create layout resource only. 

C. Create a Java class that extends Activity, add an Activity tag in AndroidManifest.xml, and create a layout for the activity. 

D. Add an Activity tag to AndroidManifest.xml, and add ACTIVITY permission. 

Answer: C