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Online ASF free questions and answers of New Version:

What is a characteristic of a well-designed Agile work space?

  • A. It has a silent zone to facilitate concentration.
  • B. There is enough space for information radiators.
  • C. Work stations are personalized for team members.

Answer: B

An engineering organization is transforming their project management method to use Agile Scrum.
What is the best approach to the transformation?

  • A. Get a senior executive to champion the transformation.
  • B. Get the team managers to monitor their team's progress on a daily basis.
  • C. Make a swift transition and start using Scrum for all projects.

Answer: A

The team determines that it has over-committed itself for a Sprint. Who should be present when reviewing and adjusting the Sprint work?

  • A. The team, the Scrum Master and the Product Owne
  • B. The Stakeholders should be consulted.
  • C. The team and the Scrum Maste
  • D. The Product Owner should be consulted.
  • E. The team onl
  • F. The Product Owner should be consulted.

Answer: C

What is the relationship between the Product Backlog, the Release Backlog and the Sprint Backlog?

  • A. The Product Backlog is a subset of the Sprint Backlog, which is a subset of the Release Backlog.
  • B. The Release Backlog is a subset of the Product Backlog, which is a subset of the Sprint Backlog
  • C. The Sprint Backlog is a subset of the Product Backlog, which is a subset of the Release Backlog.

Answer: C

Near the end of a Sprint, the team realizes that they will not be able to complete the stories they had committed to.
What is the best course of action for the team?

  • A. Add resources and team members to meet the goals of the current Sprint.
  • B. Ask the Product Owner to decide which stories can be delayed until the next Sprint.
  • C. Decide on a new definition of 'done' for the Sprint Backlog Items.

Answer: B

What is the best way to split up teams on a large project which is implemented using Scrum?

  • A. Group by domain expertise.
  • B. Group by features being developed,
  • C. Group by specialty of the team members.

Answer: B

Why are estimates expressed in terms of story points difficult to explain outside of the team?

  • A. It requires a comparison to a benchmark, which typically varies from team to team.
  • B. It requires a deeper understanding of the technical approach to implement each story.
  • C. It requires breaking the stories down into Sprint Backlog Items, which only the team can do.

Answer: A

For a Sprint, progress is monitored in a burn-up chart with bars. What makes the bar become longer?

  • A. The progression of time.
  • B. Work is added to the Sprint Backlog.
  • C. Work is deleted from the Sprint Backlog.

Answer: C

Which statement describes Release Planning?

  • A. After looking at all the stories in the backlog, the team estimates their effort in detail.
  • B. The team meets with the customer to negotiate the scope, cost and time of the release.
  • C. The team and the Product Owner agree on an initial plan for the delivery of features.

Answer: C

A team estimates a Story using the Planning Poker technique. The team decides to allocate five Story points to the Story, because the Developers estimated two points and the Testers estimated three points.
Which statement is true regarding this scenario?

  • A. Points are assigned by the Scrum Master, not by the team.
  • B. Points are assigned for the overall Story, not for parts of the Story.
  • C. Points are never estimated, but always determined beforehand.
  • D. The team forgets to ask the Product Owner about the estimate.

Answer: B

According to Agile principles, what should be the pace of development?

  • A. Fast
  • B. Increasing
  • C. Sustainable

Answer: C

The Product Owner is going on a three-week vacation. The team should be closing the current Sprint and starting a new Sprint at the end of the first week of the Product Owner's vacation.
What is the best way to continue the Scrum rituals in this situation?

  • A. Each Scrum team should ideally have two Product Owners to provide cover.
  • B. The Product Owner should be requested to delay his vacation by a week.
  • C. The Scrum Master should take over and cover for the Product Owner.

Answer: C

What is meant by the velocity of the team?

  • A. The rate a team puts in a normal work day.
  • B. The rate at which features are released to the customer.
  • C. The rate at which the team completes the work.
  • D. The rate at which the team renews itself.

Answer: C

A team decided to install a large traffic light in the team hall to indicate whether the latest build was healthy (green), failing a few tests (orange) or failing high priority tests (red).
What term can be used to describe the traffic light?

  • A. Information radiator
  • B. Osmotic communication
  • C. Triangulation

Answer: A

What is a Scrum-of-Scrums?

  • A. A meeting for management to get insight into the working of teams.
  • B. A meeting for Scrum Masters of international Scrum teams.
  • C. A meeting to coordinate the work of multiple Scrum teams.
  • D. A meeting to show the customer an update of the product.

Answer: C

During a Sprint Planning session, the team argues about the work estimates for a particular story.
✑ The Product Owner estimates five days.
✑ The Lead Architect estimates two days.
✑ The Scrum Master estimates eight days.
✑ The team member working on it estimates seven days.
What value (in days) should be used for planning?

  • A. 2
  • B. 5
  • C. 7
  • D. 8

Answer: C

What message can you give to a customer about a key benefit of using Scrum?

  • A. Scrum will give customers more control over day-to-day activities.
  • B. Scrum will help the team accept changes into the project at no additional cost.
  • C. The team will show a demonstration of working software every few weeks.

Answer: C


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