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Q49. Bob is an IAM user who has access to the EC2 services. Admin is an IAM user who has access to all the AWS services including IAM. Can Bob change his password?

A. No, the IAM user can never change the password

B. Yes, provided Admin has given Bob access to change his password

C. Yes, only from AWS CLI

D. Yes, only from the AWS console 

Answer: B


The IAM users by default cannot change their password. The root owner or IAM administrator needs to set the policy in the password policy page, which should allow the user to change their password. Once it is enabled, the IAM user can always change their passwords from the AWS console or CLI.


Q50. In regards to Amazon SQS how many times will you receive each message?

A. At least twice

B. Exactly once

C. As many times as you want

D. At least once 

Answer: D


Amazon SQS is engineered to provide "at least once" delivery of all messages in its queues. Although most of the time, each message will be delivered to your application exactly once, you should design your system so that processing a message more than once does not create any errors or inconsistencies. Reference:

Q51. In regard to DynamoDB, can I modify the index once it is created?

A. Yes, if it is a primary hash key index

B. Yes, if it is a Global secondary index

C. No

D. Yes, if it is a local secondary index 

Answer: C


Currently, in DynamoDB, an index cannot be modified once it is created. Reference:

Q52. A user has created a MySQL RDS instance with PIOPS. Which of the below mentioned statements will help user understand the advantage of PIOPS?

A. The user can achieve additional dedicated capacity for the EBS I/O with an enhanced RDS option

B. It uses optimized EBS volumes and optimized configuration stacks

C. It provides a dedicated network bandwidth between EBS and RDS

D. It uses a standard EBS volume with optimized configuration the stacks 

Answer: B


RDS DB instance storage comes in two types: standard and provisioned IOPS. Standard storage is allocated on the Amazon EBS volumes and connected to the user’s DB instance. Provisioned IOPS uses optimized EBS volumes and an optimized configuration stack. It provides additional, dedicated capacity for the EBS I/O.


Q53. In regard to DynamoDB, which of the following statements is correct?

A. An Item should have at least two value sets, a primary key and another attribute.

B. An Item can have more than one attributes.

C. A primary key should be single-valued.

D. An attribute can have one or several other attributes. 

Answer: B


In Amazon DynamoDB, a database is a collection of tables. A table is a collection of items and each item

is a collection of attributes.


Q54. A user has configured a bucket S3 to host a static website. What difference will there be when static website hosting is enabled?

A. It will help the user identify this bucket as the website root to map with the domain

B. It will create a new version of the bucket

C. It will not make any difference, but will help the user to configure the error page

D. It will provide the region specific website endpoint 

Answer: D


To host a static website, the user needs to configure an Amazon S3 bucket for website hosting and then upload the website contents to the bucket. The website is then available at the region-specific website endpoint of the bucket.


Q55. When AutoScaIing is launching a new instance based on condition, which of the below mentioned policies will it follow?

A. Based on the criteria defined with cross zone Load balancing

B. Launch an instance which has the highest load distribution

C. Launch an instance in the AZ with the fewest instances

D. Launch an instance in the AZ which has the highest instances 

Answer: C


AutoScaIing attempts to distribute instances evenly between the Availability Zones that are enabled for the user’s AutoScaIing group. Auto Scaling does this by attempting to launch new instances in the Availability Zone with the fewest instances.


Q56. Is there a limit to how much throughput you can get out of a single table in DynamoDB?

A. Yes, not more than 1,000 writes/second or 1,000 reads/second

B. No

C. Yes, not more than 10,000 writes/second or 10,000 reads/second

D. No, but If you wish to exceed throughput rates of 10,000 writes/second or 10,000 reads/second, you must first contact AWS.



In DynamoDB, you can increase the throughput you have provisioned for your table using UpdateTabIe API or in the AWS Management Console. If you wish to exceed throughput rates of 10,000 writes/second or 10,000 reads/second, you must first contact AWS.
