Q151. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) is necessary in many systems given common types of password attacks. Which of the following is a correct list of password attacks? 

A. Masquerading, salami, malware, polymorphism 

B. Brute force, dictionary, phishing, keylogger 

C. Zeus, netbus, rabbit, turtle 

D. Token, biometrics, IDS, DLP 


Q152. What do Capability Maturity Models (CMM) serve as a benchmark for in an organization? 

A. Experience in the industry 

B. Definition of security profiles 

C. Human resource planning efforts 

D. Procedures in systems development 


Q153. Which of the following controls is the FIRST step in protecting privacy in an information system? 

A. Data Redaction 

B. Data Minimization 

C. Data Encryption 

D. Data Storage 


Q154. An advantage of link encryption in a communications network is that it 

A. makes key management and distribution easier. 

B. protects data from start to finish through the entire network. 

C. improves the efficiency of the transmission. 

D. encrypts all information, including headers and routing information. 


Q155. What is the PRIMARY goal for using Domain Name System.Security Extensions (DNSSEC) to sign records? 

A. Integrity 

B. Confidentiality 

C. Accountability 

D. Availability 


Q156. Which one of the following security mechanisms provides the BEST way to restrict the execution of privileged procedures? 

A. Role Based Access Control (RBAC) 

B. Biometric access control 

C. Federated Identity Management (IdM) 

D. Application hardening 


Q157. Which of the following is a recommended alternative to an integrated email encryption system? 

A. Sign emails containing sensitive data 

B. Send sensitive data in separate emails 

C. Encrypt sensitive data separately in attachments 

D. Store sensitive information to be sent in encrypted drives 


Q158. Which of the following provides the MOST protection against data theft of sensitive information when a laptop is stolen? 

A. Set up a BIOS and operating system password 

B. Encrypt the virtual drive where confidential files can be stored 

C. Implement a mandatory policy in which sensitive data cannot be stored on laptops, but only on the corporate network 

D. Encrypt the entire disk and delete contents after a set number of failed access attempts 


Q159. Refer.to the information below to answer the question. 

An organization has hired an information security officer to lead their security department. The officer has adequate people resources but is lacking the other necessary components to have an effective security program. There are numerous initiatives requiring security involvement. 

The effectiveness of the security program can PRIMARILY be measured through 

A. audit findings. 

B. risk elimination. 

C. audit requirements. 

D. customer satisfaction. 


Q160. The amount of data that will be collected during an audit is PRIMARILY determined by the 

A. audit scope. 

B. auditor's experience level. 

C. availability of the data. 

D. integrity of the data. 
