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In which order, from MOST to LEAST impacted, does user awareness training reduce the occurrence of the events below?.


Q74. Changes to a Trusted Computing Base (TCB) system that could impact the security posture of that system and trigger a recertification activity are documented in the 

A. security impact analysis. 

B. structured code review. 

C. routine self assessment. 

D. cost benefit analysis. 


Q75. What is the PRIMARY goal for using Domain Name System.Security Extensions (DNSSEC) to sign records? 

A. Integrity 

B. Confidentiality 

C. Accountability 

D. Availability 


Q76. An organization's data policy MUST include a data retention period which is based on 

A. application dismissal. 

B. business procedures. 

C. digital certificates expiration. 

D. regulatory compliance. 


Q77. Which of the following are required components for implementing software configuration management systems? 

A. Audit control and signoff 

B. User training and acceptance 

C. Rollback and recovery processes 

D. Regression testing and evaluation 


Q78. The World Trade Organization's (WTO) agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) requires authors of computer software to be given the 

A. right to refuse or permit commercial rentals. 

B. right to disguise the software's geographic origin. 

C. ability to tailor security parameters based on location. 

D. ability to confirm license authenticity of.their works. 


Q79. Which of the following MUST system and database administrators be aware of and apply when configuring systems used for storing personal employee data? 

A. Secondary use of the data by business users 

B. The organization's security policies and standards 

C. The business purpose for which the data is to be used 

D. The overall protection of corporate resources and data 


Q80. Which of the following has the GREATEST impact on an organization's security posture? 

A. International and country-specific compliance requirements 

B. Security.violations by employees and contractors 

C. Resource constraints due to increasing costs of supporting security 

D. Audit findings related to employee access and permissions process 
