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2021 Nov CISSP practice question

Q171. The BEST method of demonstrating a company's security level to potential customers is 

A. a report from an external auditor. 

B. responding to a customer's security questionnaire. 

C. a formal report from an internal auditor. 

D. a site visit by a customer's security team. 


Q172. If compromised, which of the following would lead to the exploitation of multiple virtual machines? 

A. Virtual device drivers 

B. Virtual machine monitor 

C. Virtual machine instance 

D. Virtual machine file system 


Q173. Which of the following is the PRIMARY benefit of controls? 

A. If the data is lost, it must be decrypted to be opened. 

B. If the data is lost, it will not be accessible to unauthorized users. 

C. When the data is being viewed, it can only be printed by.authorized users. 

D. When the data is being viewed, it must be accessed using secure protocols. 


Q174. Which of the following is a process within a Systems Engineering Life Cycle (SELC) stage? 

A. Requirements Analysis 

B. Development and Deployment 

C. Production Operations 

D. Utilization Support 


Q175. An auditor carrying out a compliance audit requests passwords that are encrypted in the system to verify that the passwords are compliant with policy. Which of the following is the BEST response to the auditor? 

A. Provide the encrypted passwords and analysis tools to the auditor for analysis. 

B. Analyze the encrypted passwords for the auditor and show them the results. 

C. Demonstrate that non-compliant passwords cannot be created in the system. 

D. Demonstrate that non-compliant passwords cannot be encrypted in the system. 


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Q176. What is the MAIN feature that onion routing networks offer? 

A. Non-repudiation 

B. Traceability 

C. Anonymity 

D. Resilience 


Q177. What is the MOST effective method for gaining unauthorized access to a file protected with a long complex password? 

A. Brute force attack 

B. Frequency analysis 

C. Social engineering 

D. Dictionary attack 


Q178. An online retail company has formulated a record retention schedule for customer transactions. Which of the following is a valid.reason a customer transaction is kept beyond the retention schedule? 

A. Pending legal hold 

B. Long term data mining needs 

C. Customer makes request to retain 

D. Useful for future business initiatives 


Q179. What do Capability Maturity Models (CMM) serve as a benchmark for in an organization? 

A. Experience in the industry 

B. Definition of security profiles 

C. Human resource planning efforts 

D. Procedures in systems development 


Q180. Which of the following is the MAIN goal of a data retention policy? 

A. Ensure.that data is destroyed properly. 

B. Ensure that data recovery can be done on the data. 

C. Ensure the integrity and availability of data for a predetermined amount of time. 

D. Ensure.the integrity and confidentiality of data for a predetermined amount of time. 
