Exam Code: CLF-C01 (Practice Exam Latest Test Questions VCE PDF)
Exam Name: AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner
Certification Provider: Amazon-Web-Services
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Also have CLF-C01 free dumps questions for you:

Which of the following will effect price you pay for an EC2 instance? (Select all that apply) Choose the 3 Correct answers:

  • A. Instance Type.
  • B. Selected Storage Class
  • C. How long you use the instance for.
  • D. Amazon Machine Image (AMI).

Answer: ACD

EC2 instance pricing various depending on many variables. 1) The type of buying option 2) Selected Ami 3) Selected instance type 4) Region 5) Data in/out 6) Storage capacity

What are the benefits of DynamoDB? (Select all that apply) Choose the 3 Correct answers:

  • A. Supports multiple known NoSQL database engines like MariaDB and Oracle NoSQL.
  • B. Automatic scaling of throughput capacity.
  • C. Single-digit millisecond latency.
  • D. Supports both document and key-value store data model

Answer: BCD

DynamoDB does not use/support other NoSQL database engines. You only have access to use DynamoDB's built-in engine.

What are the benefits of AWS's Relational Database Service (RDS)? (Select all that apply) Choose the 3 Correct answers:

  • A. Resizable capacity
  • B. Automated patches and backups
  • C. Cost-efficient
  • D. None of the above

Answer: ABC

If you have a set of frequently accessed files that are used on a daily basis, what S3 storage class should you store them in?
Choose the Correct Answer

  • A. Infrequent Access
  • B. Reduced Redundancy
  • C. Standard
  • D. Fast Access

Answer: C

The Standard storage class should be used for files that you access on a daily or very frequent basis.

Which AWS service uses a combination of publishers and subscribers?
Choose the Correct Answer

  • A. SNS
  • B. RDS
  • C. EC2
  • D. Lambda

Answer: A

In SNS, there are two types of clients: publishers and subscribers. Publishers send the message, and subscribers receive the message.

David is managing a web application running on dozens of EC2 servers. He is worried that if something goes wrong with one of the servers he will not know about it in a timely manner. What solution could you offer to help him keep updated on the status of his servers?
Choose the Correct Answer

  • A. Configure each EC2 instance with a custom script to email David when any issues occur.
  • B. Configure RDS notifications based on CloudWatch EC2 metric alarms.
  • C. Enable CloudTrail to log and report any issues that occur with the EC2 instances.
  • D. Configure SNS notifications based on CloudWatch EC2 metric alarm

Answer: D

CloudWatch is used to track metrics on all EC2 instances. Metric alarms can be configured to trigger SNS messages if something goes wrong.

If you want to monitor the average CPU usage of your EC2 instances, which AWS service should you use?
Choose the Correct Answer

  • A. CloudMonitor
  • B. CloudTrail
  • C. CloudWatch
  • D. None of the above

Answer: C

CloudWatch is used to collect, view, and track metrics for resources (such as EC2 instances) in your AWS account.

What is the availability and durability rating of S3 Standard Storage Class?
Choose the Correct Answer

  • A. 99.999999999% Durability and 99.99% Availability
  • B. 99.999999999% Availability and 99.90% Durability
  • C. 99.999999999% Availability and 99.99% Durability
  • D. 99.999999999% Durability and 99.00% Availability

Answer: A

S3 Standard Storage class has a rating of 99.999999999% durability (referred to as 11 nines) and 99.99% availability.

What should you do if you believe your AWS account has been compromised? (Select all that apply) Choose the 4 Correct answers:

  • A. Delete any resources in your account that you did not create.
  • B. Respond to any notifications you received from AWS through the AWS Support Center.
  • C. Change all IAM user's passwords.
  • D. Delete or rotate all programatic (API) access key

Answer: ABCD

All these answers are actions you should take if you believe you account has been compromised.

If you have a large collection of reproducible objects, which S3 storage class should you use if low cost is your priority?
Choose the Correct Answer

  • A. Glacier
  • B. Standard
  • C. Reduced Redundancy
  • D. None of the above

Answer: C

The reduced redundancy storage class has the lowest durability of all the storage classes. This means object stored in this storage class have the highest probability of being lost. So you should only store objects in this storage class if they can be easily reproduced. In exchange for the lower durability, the cost is lower than the standard storage class.

What SQL database engine options are available in RDS? (Select all that apply) Choose the 3 Correct answers:

  • A. MariaDB
  • B. PostreSQL
  • C. MongoDB
  • D. MySQL

Answer: ABD

RDS offers the following SQL options: Aurora MySQL MariaDB PostreSQL Oracle Miscrosft SQLServer

What best describes a simplified definition of the "cloud"?
Choose the Correct Answer

  • A. All the computers in your local home network.
  • B. A computer located somewhere else that you are utilizing in some capacity.
  • C. An on-premisis data center that your company owns.
  • D. Your internet service provider

Answer: B

The simplest definition of the cloud is a computer that is located somewhere else that you are
utilizing in some capacity. AWS is a cloud services provider, as the provide access to computers they own (located at AWS data centers), that you use for various purposes.

What best describes the concept of high availability?
Choose the Correct Answer

  • A. The ability for a system to grow and shrink based on demand.
  • B. The ability for a system to withstand a certain amount of failure and still remain functional.
  • C. The ability for a system to grow in size, capacity, and/or scope.
  • D. The ability for a system be accessible when you attempt to access i

Answer: D

High availability refers to the concept that something will be accessible when you try to access it. An object or web application is "highly available" when it is accessible a vast majority of the time.

Big Cloud Jumbo Corp is beginning to explore migrating their entire on-premises data center to AWS. They are very concerned about how much it will cost once their entire I.T. infrastructure is running on AWS. What tool can you recommend so that they can estimate what the cost of using AWS may be?
Choose the Correct Answer

  • A. AWS Estimate Calculator
  • B. AWS TCO Calculator
  • C. AWS Cost Explorer
  • D. AWS Migration Cost Calculator

Answer: B

The AWS TCO (Total Cost of Ownership) Calculator is a free tool provided by AWS. It allows you to compare your current on-premises cost vs. estimated AWS cost.

What are two open source in-memory engines supported by ElastiCache? Choose the 2 Correct answers:

  • A. Redis
  • B. Aurora
  • C. CacheIt
  • D. MemcacheD

Answer: AD

Jeff is building a web application on AWS. He wants to make sure his application is highly available to his customers. What infrastructure components of the AWS cloud allow Jeff to accomplish this goal? (Select all that apply)
Choose the 2 Correct answers:

  • A. Availability Zones
  • B. Regional Zones
  • C. Regions
  • D. Data Locations

Answer: AC

As part of AWS' global infrastructure, Regions and Availability Zones allow for backups and duplicate components to be placed in seperate (isolated) areas of the globe. If one region/Availability Zone
were to fail, duplicates in other regions/Availability Zones can be used.

You have been tasked by your department head to upload a batch of files to an S3 bucket; however, when you select S3 on the AWS console, you see a notification stating that you do not have permission to access S3. What is the most probable cause of this error?
Choose the Correct Answer

  • A. It takes 24 hours go get access to S3.
  • B. The S3 service is currently down for maintenance.
  • C. You do not have an S3 access policy attached to your IAM user.
  • D. Your boss has not enabled proper bucket permission

Answer: C

If you get an error stating that you do not have proper permissions to access/use and AWS service, then most likely your IAM user does not have the proper permission policy attached.

What is the major difference between AWS's RDS and DynamoDB database services?
Choose the Correct Answer

  • A. RDS offers NoSQL database options, and DynamoDB offers SQL database options.
  • B. RDS offers on SQL database option, and DynamoDB offers many NoSQL database options.
  • C. RDS offers SQL database options, and DynamoDB offers a NoSQL database option.
  • D. None of the above

Answer: C

RDS is a SQL database service (that offers several database engine options), and DynamoDB is a NoSQL database option that only offers one NoSQL engine.

What is the purpose of a DNS server?
Choose the Correct Answer

  • A. To serve web application content.
  • B. To convert common language domain names to IP addresses.
  • C. To convert IP addresses to common language domain names.
  • D. To act as an internet search engin

Answer: B

Domain name system servers act as a "third party" that provides the service of converting common language domain names to IP addresses (which are required for a web browser to properly make a request for web content).

What AWS service allows you to have your own private network in the AWS cloud?
Choose the Correct Answer

  • A. Virtual Private Network (VPN)
  • B. Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
  • C. Virtual Cloud Network (VCN)
  • D. None of the abov

Answer: B

A Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) is a private sub-section of AWS that is your own private network. You control what resources you place inside the VPC and the security features around it.

Kunal is managing an application running on an on-premises data center. What best describes the challenges he faces that someone using the AWS cloud does not?
Choose the Correct Answer

  • A. Kunal must research what size (compute capacity) servers he needs to run his application.
  • B. Kunal must know how to properly configure network level security.
  • C. Kunal must predict future growth, and scaling can be costly and time consuming.
  • D. None of the abov

Answer: C

Scaling is much faster and cost-effecting on the AWS cloud. With on-demand instances and autoscaling, future growth does not have to be predicted. More compute capacity can be added gradually
as demand increases.

What is AWS's relational database service?
Choose the Correct Answer

  • A. Redshift
  • B. DymamoDB
  • C. ElastiCache
  • D. RDS

Answer: D

RDS offers SQL database options - otherwise known as relational databases.

What is one benefit AND one drawback of buying a reserved EC2 instance? (Select two) Choose the 2 Correct answers:

  • A. You can terminate the instance at any time without any further pricing commitment.
  • B. Reserved instances can be purchased as a significant discount over on-demand instances.
  • C. You can potentially save a lot of money by placing a lower "bid" price.
  • D. You are locked in to either a one- or three-year pricing commitmen

Answer: BD

Reserved instances require a one- or three-year purchase term, so you are committing to paying for that much compute capacity for that full time period. However, in exchange for the long-term commitment, you will receive a discount (of up to 75%) over using an on-demand instance (for that same time period).

What is a main benefit of consolidated billing?
Choose the Correct Answer

  • A. Faster response from AWS technical support.
  • B. Gain a volume discount for usage across all your AWS accounts.
  • C. Access to a higher support plan level.
  • D. None of the abov

Answer: B

Consolidated billing allows you to view, manage, and pay bills for multiple AWS accounts in one user interface. Volume discounts can be earned by combining the usage from all accounts your own.


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