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2021 Oct CQE exam question

Q61. Of the problem solving categories below, what is the usual sequence? 


 Select a problem needing improvement. 


 Collect data. 


 Implement the solution. 


 Determine if project is appropriate. 


 Study current procedures. 


 Determine candidates for data collection. 


 Analyze data. 


 Solve the problem. 

A. 1, 4, 5, 6, 3, 8, 2, 7 

B. 1, 5, 4, 6, 2, 7, 8, 3 

C. 1, 5, 6, 2, 4, 8, 7, 3 

D. 4, 1, 5, 6, 2, 7, 8, 3 

Answer: B 


Q62. Which of the following quality system provisions is of the greatest concern when preparing an audit checklist for a vendor qualification system audit? 

A. Drawing and print control. 

B. Makeup of the MRB 

C. Training level of inspectors. 

D. Calibration of test equipment. 

Answer: D 


Q63. Compute the upper control limit for an s chart, based on a sample size of 10, if the process is in control with a mean of 40 and a sample standard deviation of 7. 

A. 11.7 

B. 13.3 

C. 15.7 

D. 21 

Answer: A 


Q64. Which of the following nondestructive testing methods can be used to evaluate sub-surface discontinuities in aluminum bar stock? 

. Microwave. 

. Magnetic particle. 

. Pulse echo. 

. Eddy current. 

A. I,IIandIVonly 

B. I andIIIonly 

C. IIIandIVonly 

D. I andIVonly 

Answer: C 


Q65. How many outcomes are possible when performing a single trial of a binomial experiment? 

A. 1 

B. 2 

C. 3 

D. 4 

Answer: B 


Up to the immediate present CQE training:

Q66. Which of the following tools can provide a ranking of things to be done? 

A. Measles charts. 

B. Cause & effect diagram. 

C. Scatter diagram. 

D. Checklist. 

Answer: D 


Q67. As a commonly used problem solving technique, which of the following would be the BEST application of a Pareto chart? 

. To determine when to make proactive adjustments to a process. 

. To differentiate between major and minor problem areas. 

. To gather data and to design experimental controlled changes. 

. To evaluate the results of other problem solving techniques upon the product or service. 

A. I andIIonly 

B. IIandIIIonly 

C. IIandIVonly 


Answer: C 


Q68. An improvement in quality costs is MOST clearly indicated when: 

A. Appraisal and failure costs drop. 

B. Prevention costs increase. 

C. Total quality costs fall below 15% of total sales. 

D. Management objectives are met. 

Answer: D 


Q69. Given the data below, what is the 90% confidence interval for the variance? 

22, 23, 19, 17, 29, 25 

A. 4.21 - 99.07 

B. 15.32 - 28.66 

C. 8.27 - 79.88 

D. 16.87 - 56.52 

Answer: C 


Q70. Which of the following quality gurus was very critical of merit-pay and individual bonuses? 

He discouraged management by objectives and the ranking of employees by performance. 

A. Dr. Juran 

B. Dr. Deming 

C. Dr. Taguchi 

D. Dr. Feigenbaum 

Answer: B 
