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2021 Sep I40-420 sample question

Q41. Which of the following is an attribute used to represent relationships of one entity to another? 

A. Primary key 

B. Secondary key 

C. Foreign key 

D. Domestic key 

Answer: C  


-The Foreign Exchange System (FXS) allows banking operations to monitor trades processed from different foreign exchange trading systems which are located in London, New York and Hong Kong. 

-The Trade logical file is maintained using a series of batch jobs which copy each of the three foreign exchange data sets into FXS usable format. Once processed, the Add Trade batch function loads the data Into the Trade logical file and adds a date/time stamp. 

-A Daily Trade Detail report is produced listing all trades monitored. This report is sorted by trading location. 

-Two monthly reports are produced. A Monthly Summary Trade report is produced that contains summary trade numbers by trading location. A Monthly Trade Monitoring report is produced that lists all trades monitored, is sorted by trade date and contains a consolidated trade value. 

From the Names of Possible Functions listed identify the base functional components for the FXS application. Select N/A if a Name of Possible Function Type does not apply. 

Identify the functions used: 


Q43. What is the primary intent of an ILF? 

A. Hold data maintained through system tools for use by the application being measured 

B. Hold code data for use by the application being measured 

C. Hold data maintained through one or more elementary processes of the application being measured 

D. Both A and C 

Answer: C  



-From the IA main menu, the IA user selects the Purchase Item option. 

-The Purchase Item option opens a screen which allows the user to pay their internet shopping bill after performing an inquiry of the items selected for purchase. The Pay Bill option updates the Customer logical file to store the date of last purchase. The Inventory logical file is updated to determine when stock is depleted. The Inventory logical file contains the following information: product id, units of measure, count of product on hand, count of product on order, count of product on back-order, and reorder point. 

-The Product logical file is maintained by the PARTS application. Product contains product id, 

description, expected life of product, category, manufacturer, SKU, and weight. 

-Upon the customer's first purchase, the Customer Information screen captures the following information about the customer and stores it on the Customer logical file which includes: customer number, name, street address, state/province/region, country, postal code, payment type, gender, and future email offer flag. 

-The Purchase History logical file (PHF) is used to contain the history of customer purchases. The PHF contains a demographics section which contains the following: customer number, gender, product category, product id, and purchase frequency. The other part of the PHF contains information pertaining to the cost of purchases: customer number, purchase date, quantity, purchase cost, expected life of product. An additional part of the PHF contains information about email offers sent to the customer. This part of the PHF contains information: date of email, product id, sale price, sale end date, and offer end date. 

-The purchase cost is stored in the PHF in US Dollars after conversion from the customer's local currency using the Currency logical file. The Currency logical file contains the following information: country currency converting from, country currency converting to, conversion rate, date and time of conversion rate. 

Determine the complexity of the data functions: 

Determine the complexity of the following function: 


Q45. The functional complexity of an EO is based upon which of the following? 

A. The number of RETs 

B. The number of FTRs 

C. The number of DETs 

D. Both B and C 

Answer: D  

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Renovate I40-420 practice exam:


A Call Center (CC) application is being enhanced to maintain and display 2 new pieces of 

information. The CC will add the 2 new DETs to all 5 of the modified transactional functions. 

-The Product Summary Report had 2 FTRs and 12 DETs. 

-Add Literature and Change Literature had 4 FTRs and 19 DETs. 

-The Literature Report (no calculations or derived data) had 4 FTRs and 19 DETs. 

-The Call Log Report (no calculations or derived data) had 1 FTRs and 19 DETs. 

What is the complexity of the transactional functions after the enhancement? 

Select the complexity for each function: 


Q47. What indicates the conceptual interface between the software under study and its users? 

A. The boundary membrane 

B. The application interface 

C. The boundary interface 

D. The boundary 

Answer: D  

Q48. Which GSC describes the degree to which the application communicates directly with the processor? 

A. Data communications 

B. Distributed data processing 

C. Transaction rate 

D. Online update 

Answer: A  

Q49. Consider the following diagram. 

The business requirement states that an employee must have at least one cubicle, but may have an unlimited number of cubicles assigned. A cubicle can also be occupied by more than one employee at a time. How many total DETs are depicted? 

A. 4 

B. 6 

C. 8 

D. 10 

Answer: B  

Q50. A development project has created 450 FP in application functionality and created 45 FP in conversion functionality. What is the DFP? 

A. 45 

B. 405 

C. 450 

D. 495 

Answer: D