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2021 Nov JK0-019 actual test

Q81. Which of the following is used by RADIUS to encrypt messages between the server and the client? 

A. Public key 


C. Private key 

D. Shared secret 


Q82. Switch A is configured with VLAN 105 and 106. Switch B is configured with VLAN 105 and 107. Both switches are connected with a fiber cable. In order for packets from all VLANs to cross the fiber cable, which of the following configurations MUST be present? 

A. Reverse ARP 

B. Full duplex on the fiber link 

C. PoE 

D. 802.1q trunking 


Q83. An administrator suspects that an incorrect POTS line is carrying the DSL signal. Which of the following will help diagnose this issue? 

A. Multimeter 

B. Toner probe 

C. Protocol analyzer 

D. Butt set 


Q84. Which of the following is a reason to block FTP at the corporate firewall? 

A. It does not transfer encrypted files. 

B. It cannot be tunneled in a VPN. 

C. It is a deprecated protocol. 

D. It transmits passwords in clear text. 


Q85. Which of the following security threats relies primarily on user deception and misinformation? 

A. Rogue access points 

B. DoS attacks 

C. Man-in-the-middle attacks 

D. Phishing 


Leading JK0-019 vce:

Q86. A user is attempting to connect to the network remotely using a laptop and dial-up. The user plugs the cable into the only available laptop connection, but the connector is loose inside the port. The MOST likely reason the connector is loose is the: 

A. RJ-11 connector needs to be re-crimped 

B. User has plugged into the laptop's NIC port 

C. User has plugged the wrong end of the cable into the port 

D. RJ-11 connector needs to be replaced with an RJ-45 connector 


Q87. Which of the following protocols uses port 3389?





Answer: D

Q88. After testing a new 100BaseTX cable, the technician determines that only pairs 4, 5, 7, and 8 are straight-thru wires. Which of the following MOST likely describes this cable type? 

A. Crossover cable with open pairs 

B. Crossover cable 

C. Rollover cable 

D. Straight-thru cable with open pairs 


Q89. Which of the following is the loopback address for IPv6? 

A. ::1 

B. ::255 


D. 127:0:0:1 


Q90. Which of the following should Karen, a technician, update when new computers are purchased? 

A. Asset management 

B. Change management 

C. Cable management 

D. Baselines 
