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New Juniper JN0-102 Exam Dumps Collection (Question 6 - Question 15)

Q1. In dotted decimal notation, what is the equivalent of 11010101 01000010 01111111 11000010?





Answer: A

Q2. You want to log in to the router and make a configuration change.

After logging in as the root user, what is the next command you must enter?

A. enable

B. configure

C. edit

D. cli

Answer: D

Q3. Which two statements are true regarding rescue configurations? (Choose two.)

A. Once saved, a rescue configuration is loaded using the rollback 0 command.

B. The rescue configuration must contain the minimal elements necessary to restore network connectivity.

C. A minimal rescue configuration is defined by default.

D. A rescue configuration must include a root password.

Answer: B,D

Q4. -- Exhibit --

[edit system syslog] user@router# show host {

any warning;


file changes { change-log info;


-- Exhibit --

Referring to the exhibit, which two statements are true? (Choose two.)

A. Any warning message will be sent to the host.

B. A warning message will be logged when the host logs in.

C. Changes to the device's internal temperatures will be logged.

D. Changes to the configuration will be logged.

Answer: A,D

Q5. When considering the default behavior of Junos platforms, which statement is true about archiving configurations?

A. A system log message is generated, confirming the transfer attempt.

B. The destination filename format can be altered by configuration.

C. The frequency the system archives the configuration cannot be changed.

D. An archive log is created to track transfer attempts, both failed and successful.

Answer: A

Q6. Which word starts a command to add configuration on a Junos device?

A. get

B. set

C. put

D. show

Answer: B

Q7. What are three physical interface properties? (Choose three.)

A. payload scrambling

B. virtual circuit identifier


D. link speed

E. IP address

Answer: A,C,D

Q8. What are three characteristics of UDP? (Choose three.)

A. UDP is faster than TCP.

B. UDP operates at the Transport Layer.

C. UDP is connection-oriented.

D. UDP data is sent best-effort.

E. UDP is more reliable than TCP.

Answer: A,B,D

Q9. Which layer in the TCP/IP model is responsible for delivering packets to their destination?

A. Application Layer

B. Transport Layer

C. Internet Layer

D. Network Access Layer

Answer: C

Q10. What is the network address for the host?





Answer: A

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