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Q65. - (Topic 2) 

Before establishing a CIFS share, which four steps must be taken? (Choose four.) 

A. Mount a volume within a namespace 

B. Configure name mapping 

C. Configure a share policy with the desired values 

D. Create a volume 

E. Configure an export policy 

F. Enable Active Directory routing 

G. Set a default share policy 

Answer: A,B,D,E 

Q66. - (Topic 1) 

Which make up the replicated database (RDB) rings in a cluster? (choose all that apply) 

A. protocol management daemon (protdb) 

B. management application (mgmt) 

C. administration (admdb) 

D. volume location database (vldb) 

E. virtual-interface manager (vifmgr) 

F. logical-interface manager (lifmgr) 

G. SAN management daemon (bcomd) 

Answer: B,D,E,G 

Q67. - (Topic 2) 

Which of the following are appropriate client specification for an export rule? (Choose all that apply) 




D. \\vs_root\ 

Answer: A,B,C 

Q68. - (Topic 2) 

What is the first step for setting up a cluster Data ONTAP 8.2? 

A. Cluster Setup 

B. Join Cluster 

C. Install second node 

D. Enable HA 



Setting up the cluster involves creating the cluster on the first node, joining any remaining nodes to the cluster, and configuring a number of features—such as synchronizing the system time—that enable the cluster to operate nondisruptively. The cluster setup command runs the cluster setup wizard, which can be used to either create a cluster or join a node to an existing cluster. When you run the cluster setup wizard, enter the appropriate information at the prompts. You will be asked to provide the following information to create a cluster: Cluster name Cluster base license key Feature license keys Cluster administrator's password Cluster management interface port, IP address, netmask, default gateway Node management interface port, IP address, netmask, default gateway DNS domain names Name server IP addresses Location You will be asked to provide the following information to join a cluster: Cluster name Node management interface port, IP address, netmask, default gateway Link:

Q69. - (Topic 3) 

What three cluster administrator roles are predefined? (Choose three) 

A. admin 

B. backup 

C. none 

D. readonly 

E. root 

F. vsaadmin 

Answer: A,C,D 

Explanation: Explanation/Reference: 

From then 8.2 management book (pdf from the netapp site) Admin Autosupport Backup Readonly None 

Q70. - (Topic 1) 

What is a LIF? (choose all that apply) 

A. A logical interface connection 

B. A logical inter-fabric connection 

C. May be associated with a IP address 

D. May be associated with a WWPN 

E. May be associated with a interface group 

Answer: A,C,D,E 

Q71. - (Topic 1) 

What is the default shell for accessing clustered Data ONTAP? 

A. Diagnostic 

B. Node 

C. Cluster 

D. System 

E. Admin 


Q72. - (Topic 3) 

For RAID-DP aggregates created with clustered Data ONTAP 8.2 or later, what is the default minimum number of disks? 

A. 1 

B. 2 

C. 3 

D. 4 

E. 5 

F. 6 

G. 10 

