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Q65. The purpose of the iteration retrospective is to: 

A. Report progress of the work effort, what work will be done next, and review impediments to progress. 

B. Prioritize the Product Backlog, generate development and testing estimates, and plan the next iteration. 

C. Provide a demonstration of the features developed during the iteration, get feedback from users, and begin testing. 

D. Identify what worked well, what did not work well, and what actions should be taken to improve the process. 


Q66. What is the best description of the relationship between Scrum and extremeProgramming(XP)? 

A. XP is a component of Scrum. 

B. The principles of each are often complementary. 

C. Scrum is a component of XP. 

D. The principles of each are often contradictory. 


Q67. The purpose of "setting the stage'' in a project retrospective is to: 

A. Restate the goal of the meeting and create an open atmosphere. 

B. Review the scope statement and summarize project results. 

C. Elevate the team's morale and ensure that everyone participates. 

D. Describe the next Iteration and discuss lessons learned. 


Q68. Who is responsible for prioritizing the stories that will be included in the iteration? 

A. ScrumMaster 

B. Developer 

C. Product Owner 

D. Team 


Q69. What is the common communication bridge between the team and the Product Owner? 

A. Burndown chart 

B. Product Backlog 

C. Scrum team meeting 

D. Sprint release plan 


Q70. A value stream map is a tool used to identify the: 

A. Waste across the entire process. 

B. Highest value product features. 

C. Most valuable team interactions. 

D. Most likely flow of project risks. 


Q71. When are acceptance tests typically written for a user story? 

A. After coding the story, but before user acceptance testing begins 

B. After writing the story, but before coding begins 

C. At the start of Product Backlog prioritization planning 

D. After estimating the Product Backlog, but before Sprint planning begins 


Q72. Team A is producing 61 points per iteration and Team B is producing 20 points per iteration. Team A has more senior engineers. A manager demands that Team B match Team A’s points in the next iteration. Based on this information, it is reasonable to tell the manager that: 

A. it is impossible to compare two separate teams on points alone. 

B. Team B’s points will match Team A if Team B gets more senior engineers. 

C. Team B must have help self-organizing so their points match Team A. 

D. Team B’s points will increase if the Product Owner becomes more involved. 
