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Q113. Identifying specific attempts to penetrate systems is the function of the _______________. 

A. Firewall 

B. Router 

C. Intrusion Detection System 

D. Vulnerability Scanner 

E. CERT - Computer Emergency Response Team 


Q114. Trin00 is an example of what type of attack? 

A. Man in the Middle 

B. Spamming 

C. Spoofing 

D. Distributed Denial of Service 

E. Brute Force 



Intentionally embedding secret data into a picture or some form of media is known as Steganographyor data ___________. 

A. Data Hiding

Answer: A

Q116. The most common source of attack against companies comes from: 

A. Insiders 

B. Hackers 

C. Crackers 

D. Script kiddies 

E. Spies 


Q117. Masquerading is synonymous with __________. 

A. Spoofing 

B. DNS poisoning 

C. ARP poisoning 

D. Password cracking 


Q118. RSA has all of the following characteristics except? 

A. Can produce a digital signature 

B. Relies on large prime number factoring 

C. Uses third party key distribution centers 

D. Is based on a symmetric algorithm 


Q119. Although they are accused of being one in the same, hackers and crackers are two distinctly different groups with different goals pertaining to computers. 

A. True 

B. False 



An attempt to break an encryption algorithm is called _____________. 

A. Cryptanalysis

Answer: A