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Q41. Which of the following is considered the MOST secure? 

A. Confidential 

B. Public 

C. Private 

D. Sensitive 

Answer: D 

Q42. Passfilt.dll enforces which of the following? (Choose all that apply) 

A. 8 character minimum password length 

B. 90 day password change 

C. Each password must have a combination of upper case, lower case, numbers and special characters 

D. 6 character minimum password length 

Answer: CD 

Q43. Which of the following is NOT an administrative control? 

A. Locks, CCTV, alarm systems 

B. Security Awareness Program 

C. Information Security Policy 

D. Disabling a user account upon termination 

Answer: A 

Q44. Which of the following are Unix / Linux based security tools? 

A. Tiger 

B. TCP Wrappers 

C. TripWire 

D. LogCheck 


F. All of the tools listed can work on theUnix platforms 

Answer: F 

Q45. Vulnerability x Threat = RISK is an example of the _______________. 

A. Disaster Recovery Equation 

B. Threat Assessment 

C. Risk Equation 

D. Calculation of Annual Loss Expectancy 

Answer: C 

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Q46. DES - Data Encryption standard has a 128 bit key and is very difficult to break. 

A. True 

B. False 

Answer: B 

Q47. From a security standpoint, the product development life cycle consists of which of the following? 

A. Code Review 

B. Certification 

C. Accreditation 

D. Functional Design Review 

E. System Test Review 

F. All of the items listed 

Answer: F 

Q48. ___________, generally considered "need to know" access is given based on permissions granted to the user. 

A. MAC - Mandatory Access Control 

B. DAC - Discretionary Access Control 

C. SAC - Strategic Access Control 

D. LAC - Limited Access Control 

Answer: B 

Q49. Which of the concepts best describes Availability in relation to computer resources? 

A. Users can gain access to any resource upon request (assuming they have proper permissions) 

B. Users can make authorized changes to data 

C. Users can be assured that the data content has not been altered 

D. None of the concepts describes Availability properly 

Answer: A 

Q50. Words appearing in the English dictionary are not considered to be good passwords, but words appearing in the French, Spanish, Italian, and Japanese dictionaries are not considered a risk. 

A. True 

B. False 

Answer: B