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Q153. - (Topic 8) 

What command would you use to check if CoreXL is enabled? 

A. fw ctl multik stat 

B. cpconfig 

C. fw ctl affinity -1 

D. fw ctl pstat 


203. - (Topic 8) 

What command verifies which core each gateway interface and firewall instance is currently running on? 

A. fw ctl pstat 

B. fw accel stat 

C. show corexl stat 

D. fw ctl affinity -l 


Q154. - (Topic 4) 

Check Point Best Practices suggest that when you finish a kernel debug, you should run the command _____________________ . 

A. fw debug 0 

B. fw debug off 

C. fw ctl debug default 

D. fw ctl debug 0 


Q155. - (Topic 11) 

Where do you configure VTIs on your R77 gateway in VSX mode? 

A. VTIs are configured in each VS context. 

B. VTIs are configured in VS0 context. 

C. VTIs are not supported in VSX mode. 

D. VTIs are configured in SmartDashboard. 



C11O3-5 - Advanced VPN 

Q156. - (Topic 4) 

What file contains IKEv2 debug messages? 

A. $FWDIR/log/ikev2 

B. $FWDIR/log/ike.xml 

C. $FWDIR/log/vpnd.elg 

D. $FWDIR/log/ike.elg 


Q157. - (Topic 7) 

ACME Corp has a cluster consisting of two 13500 appliances. As the Firewall Administrator, you notice that on an output of top, you are seeing high CPU usage of the cores assigned as SNDs, but low CPU usage on cores assigned to individual fw_worker_X processes. What command should you run next to performance tune your cluster? 

A. fw ctl debug –m cluster + all – this will show you all the connections being processed by ClusterXL and explain the high CPU usage on your appliance. 

B. fwaccel off – this will turn off SecureXL, which is causing your SNDs to be running high in the first place. 

C. fwaccel stats –s – this will show you the acceleration profile of your connections and potentially why your SNDs are running high while other cores are running low. 

D. fw tab –t connections –s – this will show you a summary of your connections table, and allow you to determine whether there is too much traffic traversing your firewall. 


Q158. - (Topic 4) 

You are troubleshooting your VPN and are reviewing the output of your command fw monitor, shown below. What can you determine from the following output? 

A. The fw monitor command cannot display the relevant information since it is encrypted 


B. NAT is not being applied to the IP address 

C. There is no issue, since the traffic is being seen at all points in the inspection kernel 

D. Traffic is not being encrypted 


Q159. - (Topic 6) 

You have a requirement to implement a strict security policy. With this in mind, you must create a stealth rule. How will this impact your packet acceleration? 

A. Using a stealth rule disables SecureXL. 

B. There will be no impact as long as the rule is not logged. 

C. NAT templates will not work. 

D. There will be no impact, since stealth rules do not affect SecureXL. 


Q160. - (Topic 8) 

What is the method to change the number of cores that CoreXL will use? 

A. cpconfig 

B. SmartDashboard 

C. sysconfig 

D. CoreXL automatically recognizes the number of cores on a system at startup so there is no method or reason to modify the setting. 
