Examcollection 1D0-520 Questions are updated and all 1D0-520 answers are verified by experts. Once you have completely prepared with our 1D0-520 exam prep kits you will be ready for the real 1D0-520 exam without a problem. We have Renewal CIW 1D0-520 dumps study guide. PASSED 1D0-520 First attempt! Here What I Did.

Q57. Which of the following is the common name for the practice hackers use to trick people into revealing sensitive information?

A. Identity exploitation

B. Social engineering

C. Intellectual deception

D. Information probing

Answer: B

Q58. Which HTTP-EQUIV attribute value controls the page cache to the browser folder?





Answer: C

Q59. Jorge is developing a web site navigation scheme for it. Which of the following guidelines should he apply?

A. Provide quick links

B. Expect users to have similar backgrounds

C. Do not imitate other navigation schemes

D. Develop by adapting to the browser buttons

Answer: A

Q60. According to the W3C XML Recommendation, XML documents that are not well-formed:

A. will not load in the browser.

B. will load in the browser until reaching the violation, and then stop.

C. will generate an error and then load in the browser.

D. will load in the browser and then generate an error.

Answer: A

Q61. Diamond is the new Web designer for Comet Designs. She has been asked to design the company Web site for its new corporate customer. She knows the following facts:

The company distributes party goods.

The site will have wide distribution.

The site users are technologically unsophisticated. What guidelines will help Diamond design an appropriate new site for the audience?

A. Most site users do not use plug-ins in their browsers.

B. Most site users still have modem connections with speeds of 56 Kbps.

C. Site users prefer Flash streaming media plug-ins.

D. A resolution of 800x600 pixels is the minimum design standard.

Answer: D

Q62. SVG files can be defined as:

A. a way to describe two-dimensional graphics in XML.

B. a cross-platform image-rendering plug-in.

C. a bitmap photo format.

D. a proprietary plug-in for displaying Flash files.

Answer: A

Q63. Which term is defined as the structure of a database system?

A. Row generation

B. Schematic manipulation

C. Integrational relation

D. Schema

Answer: D

Q64. Which of the following is an acceptable way to insert a background image using a style sheet?

A. background-image: url(background.tiff);

B. background-image: url(background.jpg);

C. <img src=background.jpg>

D. background-position: background.jpg bottom right;

Answer: B