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Q17. A customer with Avaya Aura Contact Center must create a Contact Center Management supervisor who also has administrative user capabilities. 

Where is this accomplished? 

A. In Contact Center Management, create a new supervisor, and under Contact Center Manager Administration (CCMA) Login Account Details assign User Name and Password. 

B. Create a new user In Access and Partition Management, and assign a password. 

C. Create a new user in Access and Partition Management, assign User Type Administrator, and assign a password. 

D. In Contact Center Management, create a new supervisor, and assign Administrator Voice URI. 

Answer: C

Q18. When using a host block within a call flow, what does the Provider ID value refer to? 

A. This is the HDX Connection Provider ID set within the database integration wizard. 

B. This Is the SQL Statement ID set within the database integration wizard. 

C. This is the license identifier of the Avaya Aura Contact Center (AACC) base Contact Center Manager Server (CCMS) license. 

D. This is the caller's telephone number. 

Answer: A

Q19. A customer with an Avaya Aura Contact Center would like to implement emergency routing using the READVAR/SAVEVAR wild variable. 

Within a LOGIC block, which two categories of expression would be required to Implement READ/VAR SAVE/VAR in a flow application? (Choose two.) 

A. Saved Variable 

B. Locked Variable 

C. Locked Assignment 

D. Saved Assignment 

Answer: CD

Q20. A customer with Avaya Aura Contact Center requires a real time report that will show up to 15 minutes of real time data on the screen, allowing the supervisor to identify trends as they emerge. 

Which Real Time Display would accomplish this? 

A. Agent Map 

B. Billboard Collection 

C. Interval to Date Display 

D. Time Line Display 

Answer: A

Q21. A customer with Avaya Aura Contact Center has two supervisors who act as backups for each other. Each supervisor requires the ability to view the other's agents and skillsets on displays and in reports. 

Using the Access and Partition Management component, which configuration would each supervisor's user definition require? 

A. Create a User Defined Partition, list each supervisor's agents and skillsets, and assign it to the supervisor's User Definition. 

B. On each supervisor's User Definition, create a Standard Partition, select all agents and all skillsets, and then check the Real Time Reporting (RTR) and Historical Reporting (HR) check boxes. 

C. On each supervisor's User Definition, under the Standard Partition, under the Reporting Agents tab, select the supervisor that needs backup, and check the RTR and HR check boxes. 

D. On each supervisor's User Definition, under the Standard Partition, under the Reporting Agents tab, select both supervisors, and check the RTR and HR check boxes. 

Answer: A

Q22. A customer with Avaya Aura Contact Center Orchestration Designer opens the Contact Router for the first time by right clicking the Master Script. 

Which options are available? 

A. Open in text editor/Open In flow editor 

B. Open application/Edit application 

C. Open/Open in Flow Editor 

D. Open Edit/Open View 

Answer: C

Q23. A customer with Avaya Aura Contact Center is creating an application flow using blocks. Each block can be given a unique name to identify it on the flow. 

Under which tab on each block the name of the block would be assigned? 

A. Processing 

B. Queue 

C. Setup 

D. Transition 


Q24. A supervisor has created a custom report template and saved it in the Historical Reporting window within a custom group folder. 

Who will have access to this report? 

A. all supervisors 

B. all supervisors whose user defined partition includes this custom report group 

C. any supervisor within the same Supervisor/Reporting Agent group 

D. only the supervisor who created the report template 

Answer: D