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Which xml tag is used within the vault package definition to add a new path to a content package?

  • A. <path>
  • B. <filter>
  • C. <content>
  • D. <rule>

Answer: B

A developer creates a Sling Servlet. The Sling Servlet is bound to a path (/service/sling/sample). Refer to the resulting code below.
@Component (immediate=true, service = {Servlet.class})
@SlingServletPaths(value = {"/service/sling/sample"})
What should the developer do to make the servlet access controlled using the default ACLs?

  • A. Add @SlingServletPrefix (value = "/apps") annotation
  • B. Use @SlingServletResourceTypes instead of @SlingServletPaths
  • C. Modify @SlingServletPaths(value = {"/bin/sling/sample"})
  • D. Add @SlingServletName(servletName = "AccessControlServlet") annotation

Answer: B

A custom AEM application contains a service component that needs to access the JCR repository within the activate method. The activate method uses ResourceResolverFactory.getServiceResourceResolver(...) without specifying a sub service name.
What should a developer do to make sure the user service mapping for the service component is available?

  • A. Create a field of type ServiceUserMapper and annotate it with @Reference using ReferencePolicy.STATIC
  • B. Wait for the service ServiceUserMapper via BundleContext.getServiceReference(...)
  • C. Create a field of type ServiceUserMapped and annotate it with @Reference using ReferencePolicy.DYNAMIC
  • D. Create a field of type ServiceUserMapped and annotate it with @Reference

Answer: D

Two AEM publish instances feed a single Dispatcher.
Which part of the Dispatcher configuration should a developer review to ensure both AEM publish instances are used?

  • A. virtualhosts
  • B. farms
  • C. filter
  • D. cache

Answer: B

Which log file should a developer use to search for exception stacktraces?

  • A. <aem-install>/crx-quickstart/logs/error.log
  • B. <aem-install>/crx-quickstart/logs/request.log
  • C. <aem-install>/crx-quickstart/logs/access.log
  • D. <aem-install>/crx-quickstart/logs/info.log

Answer: A

A developer needs to change the label "Sites" in the navigation of AEM author to "Websites". Which action should the developer take to achieve this?

  • A. Change the code of /libs/granite/ui/components/shell/clientlibs/shell/js/globalnav.js to display the new value
  • B. Create a new node /apps/cq/core/content/nav/sites and update the property jcr:itle
  • C. Modify the code of /libs/granite/ui/components/shell/globalnav/overlay/overlay.jsp to display the new value
  • D. Modify the node /libs/cq/core/content/nav/sites by updating the jcr:title property value

Answer: D

A developer is working on a complex project with multiple bundles. One bundle provides an OSGi service for other bundles.
Which two options are necessary to ensure that the other bundles can reference that OSGi service? (Choose two.)

  • A. The bundles consuming the service need to import the fully qualified name of the service interface.
  • B. The bundle providing the service needs to contain an adequate SCR descriptor file.
  • C. The bundle providing the service needs to export the java package of the service interface.
  • D. The bundle providing the service needs to contain a whitelist of allowed consumer bundles.
  • E. The service needs to correctly declare metatype information.

Answer: AC

Refer to the following Client Library node structure.
- jcr:primaryType="cq:ClientLibraryFolder"
- categories="[clientlibs.example]"
+ js.txt
- jcr:primaryType="nt:file"
+ css.txt
- jcr:primaryType="nt:file"
+ js
- jcr:primaryType="nt:folder"
- javascript1.js
- javascript2.js
The js.txt looks like javascript1.js javascript2.js
The JavaScript is NOT present in the Client Library when it is loaded. What should a developer do to resolve this issue?

  • A. Change the js folder to a Client Library node and add the property categories = "[clientlibs.example]"
  • B. Change the js folder to a Client Library node and embed it on the clientlibs node
  • C. Add #base=js as the first line in the js.txt file
  • D. Split the js and css into 2 Client Libraries since they can't be in the same Client Library

Answer: C

A developer wants to consume AEM Page Data in Single Page Application. The Single Page Application is coded to understand JSON format. Only page content should be exposed through JSON. All the existing components are based on foundation components.
Which change should the developer make in the existing components to support this requirement?

  • A. Add JSON as the default extension in Apache Sling Servlet?Script Resolver and Error handler Configuration
  • B. Implement a Sling Model Exporter for the components
  • C. Create a custom sling event handler to handle JSON requests
  • D. Invoke the page URL with the extension .json to get the values to construct the required output

Answer: B

A developer installs the latest Service pack to a local AEM author instance. How should the developer install this package on the publish instance?

  • A. Replicate from package manager of publish instance
  • B. Use upload/install from OSGi console of publish instance
  • C. Replicate from package manager of author instance
  • D. Use upload/install from OSGi console of author instance

Answer: C

A Client-Side Library has the category "library.example".
Which HTL statement should a developer use to reference only the CSS files of this Client-Side library

  • A. <sly data-sly-use.clientlib="/libs/granite/sightly/templates/clientlib.html" data-sly-call="${clientlib.css@ categories='library.example'}"/>
  • B. <sly data-sly-use.clientlib="/libs/granite/sightly/templates/clientlib.html" data-sly-call="${clientlib.css@ category='library.example'}"/>
  • C. <sly data-sly-use.clientlib="/libs/granite/sightly/templates/clientlib.html" data-sly-call="${clientlib.all@ type='css' categories='library.example'}"/>
  • D. <sly data-sly-use.clientlib="/libs/granite/sightly/templates/clientlib.html" data-sly-call="${clientlib.all@ categories='library.example.css'}"/>

Answer: A

A developer is working with the following HTL expression in a component rendering script:
${'path/page.infinity.json' @extension = 'html', removeSelectors = ['foo'],
selectors = ['foo', 'bar'], prependSuffix = 'hello', suffix = 'world' }
What is the expected output of this expression?

  • A. path/page.foo.bar.html/hello/world
  • B. path/page.infinity.json.bar.html/world
  • C. path/page.bar.html/hello/world
  • D. path/page.bar.html/world

Answer: C

The following stack trace is written in the error.log file after installing a custom application package. Could not start bundle com.adobe.cq.sample-bundle [526]. Reason: {}. Will retry. org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Unable to resolve com.adobe.cq.sample-bundle [526](R 526.0):
missing requirement [com.adobe.cq.sample-bundle] osgi.wiring.package
What are two different ways that the developer could resolve the OSGi bundle dependency error? (Choose two)

  • A. Go to the Dependency Finder in the System Console to find if another bundle is exporting a similar version of the classes and change the project pom.xml to match the same version
  • B. Install the jar in AEM via the curl command 'curl -u username:password -F file=@"./com.example.customlib-3.8.jar" -F name="Dependency"-F force=true -F install=true http://localhost:4502/crx/packmgr/service.jsp --progress-bar -o upload.txt '
  • C. Create a folder named "deploy" under $AEM_HOME/crx-quickstart/ and copy com.example.customlib-3.8.jar in there so AEM uploads it automatically
  • D. Go to the project parent pom.xml file and add the dependency with the scope "compile" and instruct the bundle plugin to include the dependency in runtime
  • E. Upload the file com.example.customlib-3.8.jar into /apps/<project>/libs folder in CRX DE to make it available for the OSGi bundle

Answer: AD

A developer running a local AEM instance and working on an AEM project needs to change a large number of files locally in filesystem. The developer needs to get the changes uploaded to the local AEM instance to verify changes almost immediately in the browser.
What action should the developer take to most efficiently meet these requirements?

  • A. Build a Content Package using maven and deploy it after each change
  • B. Access CRXDE and upload the files through the interface
  • C. Make the changes in CRXDE, create a content package, download it and expand it into the working directory after each change
  • D. Install FileVault bundle in the AEM instance and register the local working directory for synchronization

Answer: D

A developer has a component named foobar with the following file: foobar.html:
<div data-one="${'foo'}" data-two="${2}" data-three="${true}"></div>
<div data-one="${''}" data-two="${0}" data-three="${false}"></div>
What is the output when the component is rendered?

  • A. "<div data-one=""foo"" data-two=""2"" data-three=""true""></div><div data-one="""" data-two=""0"" data-three=""false""></div>"
  • B. "<div data-one=""foo"" data-two=2 data-three=""""></div><div data-one="""" data-two=0 data-three=""""></div>"
  • C. "<div data-one=""foo"" data-two=""2"" data-three></div><div data-two=""0""></div>"
  • D. "<div data-one=""foo"" data-two=2 data-three=""""></div><div data-two=0 data-three=""""></div>"

Answer: C


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