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Q337. If you are project manager for a Project and will need as many inputs to the initiation phase as possible. Of the following, which is the best source of information for your project?

A. Historical information


C. Business plans


Answer: A

Q338. A contract cannot contain _____________.

A. Illegal activities

B. deadline for the completion of the work

C. Penalties and fines for disclosure of intellectual rights

D. Al1 of the above

Answer: A

Q339. The stakeholder's influence is greatest at the ______ of the project.

A. beginning

B. closing

C. controlling

D. none

Answer: A

Q340. At what point in a project do you have the highest probability that it will fail?

A. The beginning of the project

B. ^ust before the end of the project

C. QA Phase

D. Execution phase

Answer: A

Q341. ISO Stands for __________.

A. International Organization for Standardization

B. International Standardized Organization

C. 'n Standardized Organization

D. Indiana Standardized Organization

Answer: A

Q342. Outputs of the initiation process are:

A. Project manager identified

B. Constraints

C. Assumptions

D. All of the above

Answer: D

Q343. Communication is the PRIME responsibility of a Project ___________.

A. Manager in a weak matrix

B. Manager in a projectized environment

C. Coordinator

D. Expeditor

Answer: D

Q344. The process of monitoring specific project results to determine if they comply with relevant quality standards is called ______________.

A. Quality Assurance

B. Quality Control

C. Plan Quality

D. Quality Review

Answer: B