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2021 Oct PMP book

Q241. The positive value of conflict is underestimated. Properly managed, conflict is a valuable tool, particularly when

A. A diversion is needed

B. Conflict may cause a loss of status or position power

C. Conflictive situations are in their early stages and emotional involvement is low

D. Conflictive situations are in their late stages and emotional involvement is high

Answer: C

Q242. You are working with XYZ organization. Your senior manager imposed new delivery date which is earlier than mentioned project deliverables date in scope statement. To whom you are most accountable?

A. customer

B. team member

C. sponsor

D. senior manager

Answer: A

Q243. Most project (and non-project) managers prefer _____ communications.

A. Lateral

B. Oral

C. Downward

D. Written

E. Upward

Answer: B

Q244. Who selects the appropriate processes for a project?

A. Project stakeholders

B. Project sponsor and project stakeholder

C. Project manager and project team

D. Project manager and project sponsor

Answer: C

Q245. The Japanese Quality Control (QC) Circle movement motivated its participants in many ways. Which of the following represents the most important motivation for the QC circle participants?

A. strengthening of relationships between co-workers

B. recognition among co-workers

C. self-improvement

D. improving the performance of the company

E. financial incentives

Answer: D

Abreast of the times PMP exam guide:

Q246. Objectives can be described as all of the following except for which one? Choose the least correct answer.

A. The monetary units used to express the cost criteria for the project

B. The functionality and specific conditions that must be met in order to satisfy the project, contract, standard, or specification

C. The quantifiable results used to measure project success that should include schedule, cost, and quality criteria

D. The purpose for undertaking the project

Answer: B

Q247. Which of the following is the definition of a project?

A. Temporary endeavor undertaken to create a temporary business process or product

B. Temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result

C. Permanent endeavor that produces repetitive outputs

D. Temporary endeavor that produces repetitive outputs

Answer: B

Q248. What is a deliverable-oriented hierarchical decomposition of the work to be executed to accomplish the project objectives and create the required deliverables?

A. Organizational Breakdown Structure (OBS)

B. Work Performance Information

C. Work Package

D. Work Breakdown Structure (WBS)

Answer: D

Q249. Analogous Cost Estimating relies on which of the following techniques?

A. Expert Judgment

B. Project Management Software

C. Vendor Bid Analysis

D. Reserve Analysis

Answer: A

Q250. When do stakeholders have the greatest influence?

A. At the start of the project

B. At the end of the project

C. During execution

D. Stakeholders have constant influence

Answer: A