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2021 Dec TK0-201 exam engine

Q61. An instructor is preparing to deliver a hands-on lab course. The client provides material and asks the instructor to develop a method to determine the skill increase from the course. Which of the following should the instructor prepare?

A. A pre-class and post-class assessment

B. A verbal quiz to be given at the end of each course topic

C. A comprehensive lab that incorporates all of the skills taught in the course

D. A written exam to be given at the completion of the course

Answer: A

Q62. During a virtual class the instructor has a learner that seems to be growing increasingly confused and now has questions that are distracting the rest of the class. Which of the following is the BEST course of action for the instructor to take?

A. Inform the class that they need to move on to new material.

B. Take the learner's questions into private chat.

C. Use the learner's questions to reinforce the material for the entire class.

D. Recommend the learner seek outside tutoring.

Answer: B

Q63. An instructor is use to instructing experienced individuals. The instructor is delivering a class to a group of entry level learners. Which of the following will the instructor need to adjust for this specific group of learners?

A. Body movements and gestures

B. Technical terminology and acronyms

C. Proper syntax and use of grammar

D. Voice inflection and rate of speech

Answer: B

Q64. After presenting a new topic, the instructor initiates a class discussion based on the presentation.

The discussion is designed to enhance learner understanding and stimulate interest in the topic. Which of the following BEST describes the skill demonstrated by the instructor1?

A. The instructor selected and implemented appropriate delivery methods

B. The instructor used a variety of question types and techniques

C. The instructor used appropriate instructional media

D. The instructor used active listening techniques to facilitate learning

Answer: A

Q65. While giving an overhead presentation the projector being used powers off. Which of the following is the FIRST course of action?

A. Take a break and have technical support address the problem.

B. Lecture from the instructor notes until the next break.

C. Dismiss the class until the projector can be fixed.

D. Have technical support correct the problem immediately during class

Answer: B

Renewal TK0-201 test question:

Q66. An instructor notices that the classroom is extremely hot and several participants report that they are having trouble concentrating on the material. Which of the following is the BEST course of action for the instructor to take?

A. Contact facilities management to try to find a prompt interim solution.

B. Stay on task and use humor to distract.

C. Cancel class for the remainder of the day and start fresh the next morning.

D. Tell the learners they have to endure the heat and the problem will be addressed later.

Answer: A

Q67. An instructor asks a question and notices that most of the learners seem distracted and are looking out the windows. Which of the following is the BEST approach to this problem?

A. Call on a specific learner to answer the question.

B. Turn the question into an exercise.

C. Rephrase the question using an appropriate frame of reference.

D. Wait a little longer until someone answers the question.

Answer: A

Q68. An instructor is teaching a week long course. One of the learners has not had as much exposure to the course material as the other learners. Which of the following describes how the instructor should handle the situation?

A. Give the learner additional homework to raise their competency level

B. Adjust the instruction to meet the needs of the learner while ensuring that all learning objectives are met

C. Excuse the learner from the class and have them check with their supervisor to determine if they had been assigned to the class in error

D. Administer a pre-test to all learners to see where the learners are ranking with the objectives

Answer: B

Q69. While facilitating a lab where learners are expected to follow directions, some learners are deviating from the assigned task. Which of the following is the BEST response?

A. Ask learners to come after class and redo the assignment.

B. Redirect the learners who deviated from the directions.

C. Change the pairing of learners to prevent further deviation from assigned tasks.

D. Bring the learners deviation to the attention of the class and make them an example.

Answer: B

Q70. If a class has some slow learners and some fast learners, which of the following is the correct pace in which to present material to the class?

A. To the pace of the slowest learner

B. To the pace of the average learner

C. To the pace of the course suggestions

D. To the pace of the fastest learner

Answer: B