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2021 Dec 1D0-610 test

Q41. You are leading a team of new hires and need to train them on innovative strategies and technologies that will be used to develop an upcoming project. You send several e-mail messages with links to helpful resources. But you soon realize this is an inefficient way to organize and share this information. Which solution would provide a more efficient way to categorize and share this information? 

A. Social tagging 

B. Grid computing 

C. Ajax programming 

D. Collective intelligence 


Q42. Prior to HTML5, structuring a Web site using style sheets with the <dlv> tag and its, attribute has been an acceptable practice to govern the document’s structure. With the emergence of HTML5, what five new elements were introduced for more effectiveness? 

A. <nav>, <article>, <aside>, <header>, <footer> 

B. <nav>, <header>, <footer>, <body>. <footnote> C. <nav>, <banner>, <article>, <header>, <footer> 

D. <nav>, <banner>, <body>, <footer>, <sideimage> 


Q43. You have been asked to design and develop a Web site for a retirement community. What can you do to help make the site accessible to the elderly? 

A. Comply with the latest scripting standards. 

B. Comply with ICANN’s accessibility standards. 

C. Comply with WAI’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. 

D. Comply with IETF’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. 


Q44. To insert a graphic in a Web page and successfully validate the page as HTNL5, the <img> element must include: 

A. The id attribute 

B. The alt attribute 

C. The target attribute 

D. The name attribute 


Q45. You received a text and a threatening voicemail from an angry customer who wants to immediately discuss the shortcomings of a recently released product. You are about to walk into a mandatory meeting with your top-level leadership team. Which of the following is your best course of action? 

A. Continue to send text messages to the customer hoping to smooth things over until you can call him on the phone after your meeting. 

B. Request that the customer send his complaints by e-mail,  knowing that any inappropriate communication will be well documented. 

C. Do not respond to the customer. 

D. Skip the meeting and call the customer. 


Abreast of the times 1D0-610 practice question:

Q46. Which choice lists the CSS standard(s) that HTNL5 supports? 

A. CSS3 standard only 

B. CSS2andCSS3standardsonly 

C. CSSlandCSS2standardsonly 

D. All CSS standards (CSS1, CSS2 and CSS3) 


Q47. Which organization is responsible for managing domain names so that each one is unique, and (once registered) cannot be used by an unauthorized individual or organization? 


B. W3C 




Q48. You are creating a style sheet to format your Web pages. For the page background color, you enter the hexadecimal code FF0000. What color will the page background be when you apply this style? 

A. Red 

B. Blue 

C. Black 

D. Green 


Q49. Which term describes a compact personal computer that relies on a touch screen for in put, generally uses a solid-state drive instead of a traditional hard disk, and relies on wireless or mobile networks for connectivity? 

A. Tablet 

B. Laptop 

C. Netbook 

D. Portable media player 


Q50. You received an e-mail message on which several other individuals were copied. You want to respond to this message in a way that will include everyone who was copied on the original message. You can accomplish this by using which action? 

A. Reply 

B. Reply All 

C. Forward 

D. Send 
