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Q305. Which of the following is NOT an input of close project process?

A. Project management plan

B. Contract documentation

C. Deliverables


Answer: D


Which is not the tools and techniques used in Contract Administration:

A. Contract change control system

B. Contract negotiation

C. Payment system

D. Performance rating

Answer: B

Q307. Who is the person responsible for obtaining funding for a new project's conceptual study?

A. Project manager

B. President

C. Chief financial officer

D. Project sponsor

Answer: D

Q308. Which is the most risky phase of a project?

A. Planning

B. Closing

C. Execution

D. Control

Answer: C

Q309. The planning processes are:

A. Define Scope, Resource planning, Estimate Costs, Schedule development. Define Activities

B. Inputs, Control, Status reports, Risk management

C. Planning, Resource planning, Quality assurance, Risk control

D. Define Scope, Team development, Control Schedule, Budget control, Contract administration

Answer: A

Q310. As part of the quality audit, the scope statement is checked against the work results to ensure the conformance to the customer requirements. The results should be documented and used for which of the following:

A. Estimating future projects

B. Changing the project scope

C. Defining future project tasks

D. Validating the quality process

Answer: C

Q311. Who should contribute to the development of a project plan?

A. Project manager

B. Entire project team including project manager

C. Senior management

D. Just the planning department

Answer: B

Q312. Given the following estimates: Optimistic 3 days, Pessimistic 9 days, and most likely 6 days, what is the PERT weighted average?

A. 6

B. 4

C. 6.3

D. 6.1

Answer: A