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Q49. What step would be appropriate before launching an e-commerce site with a newly installed payment gateway? 

A. Contact the issuing bank to verify connections. 

B. Contact the acquiring bank to verify connections. 

C. Test the system using various payment methods. 

D. Register the gateway with accepted credit card issuers. 


Q50. Which of the following describes an effective target-marketing program for a company that sells kayak accessories to distributors? 

A. Sending an e-mail advertisement to those who sell kayaks to outdoor enthusiasts 

B. Sending an e-mail advertisement to everyone who has indicated an interest in outdoor activities 

C. Placing a banner advertisement on a third-party Web site that sells kayaks to outdoor enthusiasts 

D. Placing a banner advertisement on a third-party Web site that sells touring packages to the Caribbean 


Q51. Mark is the owner of a portal storefront that sells gaming software. What would be the most effective way for him to encourage repeat business? 

A. Use up-selling techniques to sell more advanced games. 

B. Provide a FAQ page and knowledge base for each game. 

C. Allow new customers a 10 percent discount on their first order. 

D. Offer discounts on game accessories during the checkout process. 


Q52. Increasing the ability of a Web server to support a greater workload by increasing the resources on the server (for example, memory, processor speed, number of processors) is known as: 

A. sizing up. 

B. clustering. 

C. scaling up. 

D. scaling out. 


Q53. Which of the following is a common design principle for a frequently asked questions (FAQ) page on an e-commerce site? 

A. Use frames so that the page can be viewed easily. 

B. Keep the page design simple so that it is easy to update quickly. 

C. Use dynamically generated HTML so that the page is easy to update quickly. 

D. Design the page so that it provides all the information about the company's products. 


Q54. An international online auction company wants to use a payment service that supports payment processing and is limited to auction purchases only. Which of the following would best meet the company's needs? 

A. eBay 

B. BidPay 

C. PayPal 

D. AuctionPay 


Q55. Tomas receives multiple e-mail notices after he successfully places an online order with a book retailer. What is the customary sequence of order e-mail notices? 

A. Order shipped, order processed, order charged to the credit card 

B. Order address verified, order shipped, order charged to the credit card 

C. Order fulfilled, order processed, order shipped with tracking number assigned 

D. Order processed, order status confirmed, order shipped with tracking number 


Q56. Maggie is developing a site that allows purchases to be made online. What technology should she use to enable security measures on this site? 




